Two of the artists will be Friday, 10 meter fallen down during a performance of Wereldkerstcircus in Carré in Amsterdam, the netherlands. One of them got it for him.

The organizer of the Wereldkerstcircus, Henk van der Meijden said in the AD that the two of them in danger would be the case.

The sold-out show kicked off at 16: 00. Of the two, which is under the name of Sky’s Angels began, I was at their duoact, and one of them is unconscious on the floor. The show was ended, and the guests were led out. That evacuation went smoothly in accordance with the police calm.

Several ambulances and a transport team arrived at the scene. The two were transported to the hospital.

Because the incident is an industrial accident, the Inspectorate of Social Affairs and Employment is to do research.

The speaker of the Carré theatre, continued Friday night of the comments. Van Der Meijden said the AD is “very, very shocked” to be.”It’s sad that the show is in such a way that it ends.”

the Carré theatre was evacuated after the accident, when Wereldkerstcircus Wereldkerstcircus is celebrating the 35 anniversary of the anniversary
of The Wereldkerstcircus, celebrates this year 35-year-old anniversary, in square, from Friday, to Sunday, January 5, daily, for three performances.

About a hundred circus artists from Russia, China, America, Mexico, and Argentina, are at this edition of the show. It is still unclear if the the shows on Saturday and Sunday will continue as usual.