Well, 2 is the animated feature around the world make the most of the money has been raised, reports CNBC Sunday. In October of 2019, the movie’s worldwide 1,32-billion-dollar-raised.
The first animated film, Frozen earned in 2013 and 2014, a total of 1,28 billion dollars. It is the second part in a two months time still left.
The top three winning animated films is now a single from the Disney movie ‘ Frozen 2 (1,32 billion), Frozen (1,28 billion) and Game 2 (1.24 billion). The latter is a production of Disney, but the studio is owned by Disney.
In december 2019, it was announced that a ‘ Frozen 2 to more than $ 1 billion in the process. In the Netherlands, it was in the movie and from the premiere and opening weekend, is visited by more than 200.000 people visited the museum. This led to 1.6 million euros.