The residence permit of the imam of Bagols-sur-Cèze will be withdrawn, announced Gérald Darmanin. Find out what the Tunisian really said in his recent sermon.

A video that has gone viral. Posted on Sunday on social networks, we see and hear the imam of Bagnols-sur-Cèze (Gard), Mahjoub Mahjoubi, who presents a sermon that could appear to be hateful towards France. Words that quickly sparked a reaction. The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin requested the withdrawal of the residence permit of the imam whose comments were the subject of reports by the prefect of Gard to the public prosecutor. “No call for hatred will go unanswered. I requested the withdrawal of his residence permit with a view to his expulsion from the territory” indicated the First Cop of France this Sunday.

In detail, two reports were made under article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. “Any constituted authority, any public officer or civil servant who, in the exercise of his functions, acquires knowledge of a crime or misdemeanor is required to give notice without delay to the public prosecutor and to transmit to this magistrate all information, minutes and acts relating thereto” indicates the article in question. A report had already been made for financial offenses regarding the management of the mosque in December 2023 according to information from BFMTV. The second, for his recent preaching broadcast on social networks.

In the recent video broadcast on social networks, the Tunisian imam, also a member of the Association of Muslims of Gard Rhone (AMGR) launched: “All governance will fall, it’s over. We will no longer have all these tricolor flags which plague us, which give us headaches, which have no value with Allah. The only value they have is a satanic value.”

Before continuing: ‘do you see all these flags that we raise during matches? And we shout, we hit the Muslim on your head and we insult him with all the names. These satanic flags are worthless. What got them? imposed, it is quite simply so that we hate each other, that hatred is created in our hearts, so that we do not love each other. These slogans, they are in front unfortunately, well, all this will no longer have no value.” At the “request of Emmanuel Macron”, the fight against “radical and political Islam” followed by the General Directorate of Internal Security (DGSI) was intensified, indicated Gérald Darmanin in a tweet this Sunday. Evictions increased by 26% between 2022 and 2023 according to the Minister of the Interior.