About 5 million people received an email that should not be overlooked.

It’s the kind of email you never know the truth of at first glance. Regularly, alert messages are received to inform of an attempt to connect in your name to a website. But sometimes, the links present in the body of the email contain a virus which allows you to be hacked and gain access to a certain amount of personal information. So, it’s not always easy to find your way around.

In recent days, an email with the subject “Secure your Chèque-Vacances account” has arrived in nearly 5 million mailboxes. The holiday voucher platform has indeed been the victim of hackers. An e-mail was therefore sent to all users of the platform to warn them and advise them to better protect their personal access. “The ANCV has been the subject of connection attempts to Chèque-Vacances user accounts from malicious actors who use data obtained elsewhere. […] As a preventive measure, we ask you to modify the word password allowing you to access your Chèque-Vacances account”, it is written.

A communication which is indeed official, confirms the National Agency for Holiday Vouchers (ANCV) to Linternaute. Thus, the 4.7 million beneficiaries of this aid must change the password which allows them to access their personal account. The point: to prevent the people who collected the data from using the money you have. Your balance is at 0 so this doesn’t seem necessary to you? Bad idea. Hackers could log in again in a few weeks/months when you have been credited and could therefore use it without your knowledge.

???????Since the implementation of these electronic holiday vouchers in 2022, more and more beneficiaries are using them. More than €66 million was spent this way. A long-awaited breakthrough which allows, among other things, to pay for train tickets online using these checks. When paying on the SNCF website, simply log into your ANCV account to collect the invoice amount. Hence the importance of changing your password to avoid having your money stolen.