KPN is the cost to transfer phone numbers to another provider, with a retroactive effect to reduce. That is, the Authority for Consumers & Markets (ACM) has determined, after a year ago, it has been determined that the rates are a lot higher than the actual cost of shipping.
now, as we move from a wholesale customer, their phone number will be retained. However, a service provider may charge you for the new carrier, which will then be passed on to the customer.
For clients not to be discouraged about, but the porteertarieven in accordance with the law, shall not exceed the actual cost of that service provider makes. The ACM found that KPN, a fee of 200 euros has to be a nummerblok (there are several numbers for each other), whereas it is only 42,80 it. For individual songs, the old rate is almost twice as high, for 2 euros, as compared to a factor of 1,15€.
When the old rates were based, and the number of clients is not known.