The outlines of this future right for new parents are beginning to be known.

The initiative had been announced for several months, and it is finally being implemented. This Wednesday, May 15, the government launched consultations on the implementation of a new birth leave. The objective: to allow parents to be more present alongside their newborn in the first months of life, while worrying less about the financial consequences than currently.

This system would complement the maternity and paternity leave currently in force. There is no question of affecting this right which allows mothers to take 16 weeks of leave and fathers 4 weeks, paid at 80%. Here, the aim is to replace parental leave, very little used in France, which offers the possibility of taking up to 3 years to look after your child, without resigning, but receiving only 448 euros per month. A real blow to the budget which is off-putting and does not encourage you to stop.

Thus, Emmanuel Macron wanted to completely change the appearance of this system. If the new law is only in its infancy, the first outlines were revealed by Sarah El Haïry, Minister Delegate in charge of Children, Youth and Families, in the columns of La Tribune Dimanche. Comments which made it possible to clarify two highly anticipated central points in this future leave: the duration and the remuneration.

Regarding the first point, birth leave could only last a maximum of three months, i.e. 12 times shorter than current parental leave. It must be taken before the child’s first birthday, otherwise it will be lost: either by both parents at the same time, or in turn.

A drastic reduction in duration which makes one cringe… justified by much better remuneration than currently. Indeed, Sarah El Haïry indicated that women and men who take this leave will receive, during the three months, 50% of their salary, with a payment ceiling of 1,900 euros. Thus, all those who earn 3,800 euros or more at the time of stopping will not be able to receive more than the established ceiling. A sum paid by the State which can only be increased if the employer decides to pay a supplement to its employee.

This birth leave should be introduced at the end of 2025 if it is adopted by deputies and senators. Currently, the text providing for its creation is neither in the National Assembly nor in the Senate. Now is the time for discussions between trade unions, employers and family associations in order to refine the terms of this future right.