More passengers were Sunday afternoon injured after a bus in which they were sitting at a stop had to be the Viebrug in Utrecht, the netherlands. The driver had to slam on the brakes in front of a “reckless rider”, as was reported to the police on Sunday, via the social media.
The bus company YOU use public TRANSPORT drove on for a Long Viestraat in the direction of the Potterstraat. The Viebrug had to have the driver on the brake pedal.
“We had to take a bus to a stop, creating a dangerous cycle, that is, without precedence, and without looking at the road, cross over”, wrote a letter to the police department.
The passengers, who were injured, were in-situ examined by the emt’s. The severity of the injury is currently unknown. Or, is the “reckless cyclists” has been found, it is not yet known.