Actress Tjitske Reidinga was in a creative crisis, because they are in the zomerkomedies of the nieuwe de la mar Theatre, but much to the laughter of the audience. For her role in the play, Dangerous Liaisons that helped her to meet new, fun, ” explains the actress, on Wednesday, in NPO1-the radio Never Sleep.
“Two years ago, I felt like I was stuck,” said Reidinga, over a six-year zomerkomedies. “Because it’s less than I’m funny and tragic.”
The actress didn’t want to just for the laugh and for the enjoyment of its public. “Just be funny to be funny, which I was, for a time, did this, I began to experience it as a prison,” says Reidinga. “It was a piece of cake. I felt I was dull and stupid.”
Reidinga, it was out of her creative crisis, drawn to her role in the play, Dangerous Liaisons, which as of February 21, is seen in the Dutch theatres. “Within a week, there will be a huge breath of fresh air to me, and I got a new inspiration so I started to get the fun back,” said the 48-year-old was born Friezin.