So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses

on Tuesday, beating Norway’s second largest museum of art, Code, konkursalarm. Bergensmuseet hasteinnkalte to the press conference where they informed us that the museum is balancing on the edge of the cliff. They “will get betalingsvansker already in June, and be bankrupt no later in October”, told Code.

on The horizon threaten a inntektssvikt of 30 million, the enlightened museum director Petter Snare facing the Newspaper today.

It is no wonder that the town is angry Comment Need help quickly

the Invitation to the culture Abid Raja (V) was crystal clear. Code need help, and quickly. They can’t pay their employees with promises of krisestøtte, said museumsdirektøren to the Newspaper.

I cannot afford to pay out wages, or pay bills. They have more than 60 per cent government support you will not get help, told Snare.

Opposite Dagbladet call kulturredaktør in Bergens Tidende, the idea that Code should go bankrupt for the absurd.

– What we see today is mainly a stunt. Code has had enough of the uncertainty and will make the government aware that støtteordningene does not work, say What about today’s press conference.

Have faith in the solution

It is possible today’s press conference in Bergen worked. Tuesday evening, the answer the minister on the prosecution, and stretches out a hand to the konkurstruede the museum.

I spoke with Petter Snare at the Code on Thursday, and again today. I can assure that I am well acquainted with the challenges faced by the museum. As I have said when I have been visiting Bergen, I am concerned that the city’s cultural life to experiencing taken care of, he writes in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

Close to bankruptcy

– I can also assure that we are working to find a good solution for Code, and I have good faith that we will get this to work. We have said that we are at 29. may come to Parliament with a proposition, and this is a plan we are in route, ” continues Raja.

Cautiously optimistic

Director Petter Snare is positive feedback, but not entirely convinced.

” I’m glad that kulturministeren signaling that he wants to find a solution for the Code. In the case of culture’s place in the regionreformen showed Abid Raja that he is a culture for the whole of Norway, it means that I allow myself to be cautiously optimistic.

at the same time, the situation is very critical and severe, and it helps a little, with a rescue package now that only exposes the bankruptcy of a few months. We need that the state is with us also in the long term, say the Snare to the Newspaper.

Read more about Code-crisis in the article below:

– A completely absurd thought

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