So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses

In the day beat Norway’s second largest museum of art, Code, konkursalarm. Bergensmuseet balancing on the edge of the cliff and informs that they “will get betalingsvansker already in June, and be bankrupt no later in October”.

Code says that soon they will not be able to pay the bills, and that it is rather not fresh money in sight.

Smittevernstiltak and the lack of visitors frames them hard financially. At the same time falls museum outside of the government’s support schemes.

Close to bankruptcy – A stunt,

Kulturredaktør in The new york times, Frode Bjerkestrand, finds it unlikely that the art world succumbs.

it is the organization and responsible for the national heritage museum manages for large, important and complex, he believes.

– That Code goes bankrupt does not happen. It is a completely absurd thought. What we see today is mainly a stunt. Code has had enough of the uncertainty and will make the government aware that støtteordningene does not work, he says to Dagbladet.

– do you Think it will work?

I think they are heard, but what happens next is difficult to know. Code is an important national museum. That they in all are in this situation especially.

the Paradox is that the state’s lack of contribution over many years, has made it necessary for the museum to do a great job with egeninntektene. It is the punishment for now, when they are forced to shut down in the most lucrative season, ” says Bjerkestrand.

This goes to hell Get a little money

Code is a foundation mainly financed by public funds in addition to ticket revenue. In Tagged annual report for 2018 tells the then chairman of the board Henning Warloe that the Code has the lowest proportion of state funding to any museum in Norway, and that the economy is highly pushed.

In 2018 got Code nok 19.7 million by the Ministry of culture. In the same year, the national Museum 324 million, according to the annual financial statements.

Figures from the Museumsforbundet shows that the Code had over 300 000 visitors in the course of 2019.

Code has been clear that the government contributes too little. They get peanuts compared with the national Museum and need more. It shows the news they came with in the day, ” says Bjerkestrand.

Code is sitting on the great national values. It is not just a museum. I don’t understand, that the Ministry of culture and Code do not speak better together. There should have been a governmental task that the art and kulturverdiene on the west coast to be taken care of, ” he continues.

You can not enough, Raja Debate Serious situation

Tuesday hasteinnkalte Code, art museums of Bergen to the press conference about the serious situation they are in.

on The horizon threaten a inntektssvikt of 30 million, the enlightened museum director Petter Snare towards the Newspaper.

I cannot afford to pay out wages, or pay bills. They have more than 60 per cent government support you will not get help, ” said Snare.

prayer to thee: Code-director Petter Snare. Photo: Dag Fosse / Code to Show more

– You are soon bankrupt, tell you. Do you want to send a message with this press conference?

– Yes, it is clear. We sent the letter about the circumstances of our 16. march and had a meeting with kulturministeren last week. We’ve gone many rounds with the notification. I can’t pay salaries with promises of krisepakke. It is time that museumssektoren says from, ” said Snare.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError withdraw: Abid Raja would like to thank Knut Aastad Bråten for the effort he has put into the ministry . Video: Embla Deer-Larsen Show more Jobs with solution

the secretary of state in the Ministry of culture, Gunhild Berge Rod, confirms that the culture Abid Raja (V) has been in contact with the Code.

” We are aware of the situation they are in. It is, unfortunately, not unique for Code. All of Norway is feeling the effects of coronapandemien, including art and cultural scene. In our meeting on Friday last week informed the we Code that we are working to find a solution for those museums which have over 60 per cent public support.

Code has Norway’s second largest collection of Norwegian and international art spread over four art museums in Bergen and three komponisthjem.

Besides Norwegian and international contemporary art collection consists of works by Nikolai Astrup, Edvard Munch, J. C. Dahl. They have the country’s largest collection of chinese art and English silver.

the Code also manages the musikkarven to Edvard Grieg, Ole Bull and Harald Sæverud. The museum is a very popular kulturdestinasjon for many norwegians and tourists.

Full of confusion about the foundations: – Deep despair

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