Each week, the Express presents you with a selection of articles read by professional actors, intended to be listened to on your phone.

The Express offers you discover free of charge a part of its offer exclusively to subscribers : articles audio. Listen to for you a selection of articles read by professional actors. This week, a survey of the way in which the United States seem to be overwhelmed by an enemy they had not seen coming : the coronavirus

“The note that should be attributed to him ? 10 on 10, of course. True to himself, Donald Trump does not doubt for a second that it has given the best possible response to the coronavirus. The only concern is that it is almost the only one of its opinion. Summarize the measures taken by the president of the United States : closure of the borders, testing reserved for travelers returning from areas of risk and to those with obvious symptoms. Devices that may slow down the epidemic, certainly not of the stop.

scientists Also do they give the alarm and pointing out the huge flaws in the u.s. health care system. The cost of a test ? $ 1,400. A hospitalization ? 10 000 dollars. Even with excellent insurance, the “cost” amounted to several thousands of dollars. As for the 28 million people who do not, too bad for them… Conclusion cold of a doctor : without radical measures, the number of deaths in the country could be counted in hundreds of thousands.”

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