An Ifop survey for Unccas reveals that the richest French people agree with Emmanuel Macron on a very delicate subject.

This Tuesday, March 26, the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (Unccas) shared the results of a new “social barometer”. The questionnaire notably included this statement by Emmanuel Macron dated June 12, 2018 on social minimums, which had then sparked controversy: “We are putting a crazy amount of money into social minimums and people are not getting by.” And Unccas asked the French, via a survey, what they really thought about it.

Results: 60% of people surveyed by Ifop said they agreed with this sentence from the president. On this specific question, the results indicate that the higher the participants belong to a social category, the more they tend to agree with this statement by Mr. Macron. In total, 75% of the richest French people approved it. Conversely, the poorest categories are more nuanced or do not share this point of view. According to the results, 48% of people living on less than 900 euros per month per person even say they disagree with the president.

The organization behind this barometer, the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers, is an association “representing municipal and intermunicipal elected officials in charge of social affairs and their CCAS/CIAS” as indicated on its website Internet. The municipal social action centers (CCAS) and the intercommunal social action centers (CIAS) are managed by town halls and are therefore represented by Uncaas. The latter is publishing this barometer on the occasion of its 93rd Congress in Le Havre which takes place from Wednesday, March 27 to Friday, March 29, 2024, focusing on the theme of crises experienced by society.

The barometer published this Tuesday addresses the general concerns of the French and demonstrates that these are the same as in 2023. According to the president of Uncaas, Luc Carvounas, whose remarks Ouest-France relays, “the four priorities of the French people surveyed , these are: health and therefore the state of our hospitals, school, which took 7 points compared to 2023, food and housing. Note also that according to this barometer, 59% of French people believe that social action in France is “unsatisfactory”. An opinion which rose to 63% in the 2023 edition. Only 41% consider it “satisfactory” and 36% of them consider that social action is “rather satisfactory”. The barometer indicates that a small minority of 5% finds it “very satisfactory”.