In total, the number of categories A, B and C has continued to increase, by 0.5%, to 6,157 million, its highest level in history.

The number of unemployed has significantly decreased (- 4,6%) in June, 204 700 enrolled in class less, a decrease due to the return of job seekers to the reduced activity (categories B and C) with the continuation of the déconfinement, according to figures from the Pôle emploi published on Monday.

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This number, however, remains at a very high level of 4,221 million, after the price increases exceptional due to the confinement. In total, the number of categories A, B and C has continued to increase, by 0.5%, to 6,157 million, its highest level in history.

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In total, the number of categories A, B and C has continued to increase, by 0.5%, to 6,157 million, its highest level in history. On the quarter, April to June, the increase remains unprecedented : +23.2% in class A to 4,407 million and +6.5% in ABC to 6,116 million.

In June, the drop in class for all age groups: the under 25-year (-4,6%), 25-49 years (-5%) and 50 years or more (-3,7%). Greater among men (-5,8%) than in women (-3,3%), it was more marked on the western façade (a 6.9% reduction in Britain), as well as in the PACA region and Corsica (-7,5%).

Resumption of activity post covid

The decline in June “is particularly concerned by the decline in the number of those who are looking for a business in the construction and engineering industry, as well as in the hospitality and tourism sector”, as a result of the recovery of the activity allowed in these last two sectors in June, highlights the Dares, the statistics department of the ministry of Labour.

As in may, when it had decreased by 3.3%, the evolution of the number of unemployed can be explained mainly by the recovery of reduced activity of job seekers who had not worked at all in may.

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This reduced activity has thus increased by 13.9%, but if the short-term (category B less than 78 hours per month) has “almost recovered its level of February,” the long (class C, more than 78 hours), “still well below”.

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unemployment Insurance : the return to the previous rules will not be retroactive “to not be the sacrificed generation” : barely graduates, they want to go back to school unemployment a reduction of 3.3% in may but remains at a very high level

Overall in June, the number of entries in the categories A, B, C has rebounded strongly (+24.8%) and remains higher than the output, even if the latter have also increased significantly (+37.8 per cent). The increase in entries is mainly explained by the returns of training, and the first entries on the labour market (+41%). The registrations for the dismissal on economic grounds remains low at 9900 and quasi-stable.