For the past two weeks, the indicators of the department confirmed an “active circulation” of the coronavirus, said the prefecture of Mayenne Saturday.

It is no longer an option : the mask will be mandatory as of Monday in the public places of 69 communes of the Mayenne department where the indicators “confirm the active circulation of the virus,” said Saturday the prefecture.

The port of the mask is imposed in these communes “in all the public places (public road, public spaces and outdoor) inside the perimeter delimited by the panels of the input and output of the cities involved,” said the prefecture in a press release.

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This is particularly the municipalities of Laval Agglomeration, the communauté de communes du pays de Château-Gontier, of the community of communes of Ernée, as well as the communes of the Mayenne, Évron, Craon and Renazé, sectors particularly affected by the virus”.

“active Circulation of the virus”

“For the past two weeks, the indicators of the Mayenne department confirms the active circulation of the virus. The health crisis lasts and threatens to worsen if stringent measures are not required. The establishment of a reconfinement would be damaging, both for the collective well-being” that for economic activity, ” says the prefect, Jean-Francis Treffel.

READ ALSO >> Coronavirus : why the situation in the Mayenne, is “problematic”

“If all the Local gear up and comply with the guidelines, the health indicators will evolve in the right direction. This combat, therefore, is the case of all,” insists the press release.

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Several new homes Covid-19 have been identified this week in the department, primarily affecting companies and individuals who are vulnerable or in precarious structures, social or medico-social.