Barbara Pompili, minister of the ecological Transition, announced this extra time for the heated terraces which were to disappear next spring.

restaurants and bars that have heated terraces will be able to rotate them a few months longer than expected. In an interview with the Courier picard, published Sunday, Barbara Pompili, the minister of the ecological Transition announced that they will be finally authorized until the spring of 2021. The government had initially announced to ban them next spring.

the One who had called this practice “aberration” ecological, ” explains heard, “of course the difficulties of café and restaurant owners and that is why this measure will not apply this winter, but next year. We will conduct consultations and to accompany them in this transition.”

READ ALSO >> does it prohibit the heated terraces?

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“A terrace equipped with five braziers emits as much CO2 in the course of a winter than a car that would be three times around the world,” she adds in a regional daily newspaper, now, and his speech on the ecological cost of these terraces.

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In Rennes, the rule of prohibition of the heaters on the terrace is in force since January 1, 2020. All the owners of bars or restaurants have had to use it at the same time, and they do not find a today decrease. Yet for Roland Héguy, president, Confederation of the Union of trades and industries de l’hotellerie (UMIH), “some institutions achieve 30% of their revenue with them.”