While the healthcare insurers have saved 2.6 billion euros, according to estimates of the government, with the executive board on this contribution, reveals “Les Echos”.

health insurers are in the crosshairs of the government. According to Les Echos, the government intends to collect at the end of the year, an “exceptional contribution” on the complementary health. The daily reminds that the health insurers have unwittingly saved this year because the coronavirus has emptied the medical offices and hospitals to their patients as usual and pushed for health Insurance to assume only the full cost of tele-consultation.

The government estimates the outlays of health that are complementary to some 2.6 billion euros in the containment. The proceeds of the tax outstanding is expected to make up part of the losses of health Insurance, which promise to be dantesque : 31 billion euro in 2020, because of the fall in receipts of contributions.

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Les Echos reminds us that the idea had been launched last spring by the two ministers in charge of social Security, Olivier Véran in the Health and Gérald Darmanin, then to the public Accounts. In June, they had written to the additional health to ask them to “take their fair share” after the effort made at the peak of the epidemic by the health professionals and caregivers, insisting on the fact that they “can in no way benefit the economy of this crisis.”

A tax included in the next social Security budget

According to the newspaper, during a meeting in July that the three families of additional bodies (insurers, provident institutions and mutual societies) have been informed of the willingness of the executive to include this one-time tax in the next budget of social Security, discussed in the fall. The technical details remain to be defined, pending an arbitration in September.

The social Security administration would explore the track of a contribution on the same plate as the solidarity tax additional (TSA), charged on the insurance contracts,-health, and even used twice on the contracts that are not labelled as “managers”, advances in Les Echos.

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Some insurers warn, however, that they have provided reports to business customers that they are not safe to perceive a day. They also point out that portability requires them to ensure coverage of complementary health for several months to laid-off employees, which may be more numerous.