Moscow has assured that it would soon be able to produce per month to hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccine and “several million” from the beginning of 2021.

It is a race to the vaccine against the Covid-19 launched across the planet. Currently, 26 candidate vaccines are in clinical trials, it is tested in humans, and 139 at the evaluation stage pre-clinical, according to data from the world Health Organization (WHO). A State is particularly at the cutting edge in this crazy race : Russia. Moscow has, in effect, announced Monday that three companies biomedical would be able to produce as early as September and industrial way, a vaccine developed by the laboratory for research in epidemiology and microbiology Nikolai Gamaleïa. The Express train made the point on this announcement.

What are the promises Russia ?

Russia has assured Monday that it would soon be able to produce per month to hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccines against the coronavirus. The vaccine developed by the centre Gamaleïa is in collaboration with the ministry of Defence. “According to preliminary estimates, ( … ) we will be able to provide starting this year, hundreds of thousands of doses of vaccine per month, then up to several million at the beginning of next year,” said the public agency TASS, the Russian minister of Trade, Denis Mantourov.

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the head of The Russian Fund of direct investments, involved in the development, said on Monday that the formal authorisation of the vaccine should be done “within ten days”. “We will be in front of not only the United States but also other countries. It will be the first vaccine against the coronavirus approved,” said Kirill Dmitriev to the tv.

the ministry of Defence boasted Monday of clinical trials on military personnel who “clearly showed an immune response to apparent” in the face of coronavirus, “without side-effects or anomalies.” This vaccine is a viral vector, that is to say that it uses as a support a different virus which has been transformed and adapted to fight the Covid-19. It uses the adenovirus, a technology also chosen by the university of Oxford.

Where are the research in Russia ?

Like many other countries in the world, Russia has been working on several vaccine projects against the Covid-19. Moscow, the fourth in the world for the number of infections after the United States, Brazil and India, was proclaimed in April its commitment to be among the first countries, or even the first, to create a vaccine against the virus.

scientists from the centre Gamaleïa had been criticized in may to be personally injected their prototype vaccine, a method to break with the usual protocols designed to speed up the scientific process to the maximum. So far, Russia has not published a detailed study of the results of its testing to determine the effectiveness of the products that she is said to have developed. A second prototype vaccine is designed at the Center of the state of research, Vektor, Siberia, and the first doses are expected in the month of October, according to the authorities.

What do the scientists think ?

Russia is burning-does it have steps ? Researchers have expressed their concern at the speed of vaccine development in russia. They believe that some steps could be skipped in order to speed up the work pressure of the authorities, who have compared this race to the vaccine at the launch by the USSR in 1957 of the first artificial satellite, Sputnik.

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Vitali Zverev, professor and head of laboratory at the research institute Metchnikov, was of the view that “it is impossible to ensure the safety of a vaccine during a period of time such as that which separates us from the beginning of the pandemic,” he explained. He added that the companies biomedical russians to produce the vaccine were not used, and even less to the advanced technology that must be used.

says WHO ?

WHO has also sent a warning to Russia, arguing for compliance with the protocols and regulations in force in the development of a vaccine. “Any vaccine and any drug for this purpose must of course be subject to all of the various tests and trials before being approved for their deployment”, pointed out this Tuesday, the spokesperson of the WHO’s Christian Lindmeier, when asked about the ad Russian.

“There are guidelines and clear guidelines, regulations in order to move things safely and efficiently,” he insisted. “Sometimes, individual researchers claim to have found something, which is, of course, as such, a great new. But between find or have the opportunity to have a vaccine that works and have gone through all the steps, there is a big difference,” he reported, noting that the WHO had for the time being “‘t seen anything official”.

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The WHO has stressed the need to follow the rules to a “safe development of a vaccine”, “to ensure that we know what the vaccine is, who it can help and, of course, also if it has any negative side effects, if the medical side effects are more important than the actual benefit”.