The minister of Culture confirmed the closure of the channel France 4 into a year.

The minister of Culture has confirmed on Tuesday the one-year deferral of the judgment of the channel France 4, and the final closure of France Ô, scheduled for the end of August.

The project of law of reform of the audiovisual sector, developed by his predecessor, Franck Riester, provided the stop-signal TNT France 4 and France Ô on August 9, to make savings and invest in digital.

But the government had opened the door in April with a possible extension to France 4, the youth channel of France Télévisions, whose educational programs for the confinement have been recognized.

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Roselyne Bachelot announced in a press release the “one-year deferral of the judgment of the channel France 4 to ensure the necessary transition to the power-up of the youth offer off-line by France Televisions”.

“In a context of health remains uncertain, the report of momentary closure of a string of programmes aimed at youth and that can be used to relay teaching complementary, appears desirable,” says the ministry. “Additional time will accompany calmly with the transition” to the offers digital of France Télévisions for the young, Okoo and Lumni, and will enable a redefinition of fine future grids, including France 5,” says the ministry.

“No layoffs”

The minister also confirmed that “the judgment of the channel France O as of August 23, 2020”, “at the end of the full deployment of the covenant of visibility for the overseas”.

After the launch of the digital portal dedicated to overseas last June 3, the first hearings have been encouraging, it appears that all the conditions are now in place to proceed to the judgment of France Ô, which, with an audience share of 0.3%, no longer appears as an offer adapted in terms of visibility overseas,” says the ministry in a press release.

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“This judgment does not give rise to any termination,” says the ministry.