According to the widow of the doctor, her husband was infected at a guard, while the hospital lacked masks FFP2.

Clear Loupiac, the wife of a doctor death of the Covid-19, has decided to turn to the courts to obtain redress. Her husband, Eric Loupiac, an emergency physician at the hospital of Lons-le-Saunier in the Jura region, died in April last at the age of 60 years, a result of his infection with the novel coronavirus.

The widow of the steward of the Association of emergency physicians of France (AMUF), has filed a complaint Monday against X for “unintentional homicide, non-assistance to person in danger and failure to rescue,” reports The World.

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after Clear Loupiac, her husband has not been able to get the virus elsewhere than at his place of work, to the extent where he was confined with his family since February 26 and was out to ensure his guards at the beginning of march. According to her, it is even precisely when its custody from march 6 to 8 that her husband has been infected, so he had the use of surgical masks, and not that of the FFP2 to be more protective, indicates The World.

Nine complaints against the government

Tested positive at the Covid-19 march 17, Eric Loupiac died on 23 April in Marseille, after having been admitted in the intensive care unit. His wife complains that the director of the hospital of Lons-le-Saunier for not having equipped the doctors in masks FFP2, and have put in place a triage system to patients in the waiting room of the hospital. According to her, in this configuration, patients with non-masked and not yet sorted were likely to come in contact with the nursing staff who was not sufficiently protected.

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The complainant stated that her husband had warned as early as march 2, the committee of hygiene, safety and working conditions (CHSCT) on this situation, but that the hospital management would have swept the remarks of the CHSCT.

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Unlike many of the plaintiffs, the widow has decided not to file a complaint against the minister of Health Olivier Véran, as well as its predecessor Agnès Buzyn. On 7 July, a judicial information was opened and entrusted to the commission instruction of the Court of justice of the Republic (CJR). This instance – the only authority to judge the members of the government for their actions in the exercise of their functions – is currently conducting an inquiry on former Prime minister Édouard Philippe, Agnès Buzyn and Olivier Véran for the offence of abstention to fight a sinister. To this day, of the 53 complaints received, nine were selected.