This decision is unprecedented against a former head of the colombian State. The latter is being prosecuted for a case of manipulation of witnesses against an opponent of the left.

The colombian supreme Court ordered Tuesday the arrest of ex-president Alvaro Uribe, still very influential in his country, for a case of manipulation of witnesses against an opponent of the left. The Court said in a press release that the ex-head of State (2002-2010) and current senator “purge the deprivation of liberty at his residence, and there may continue to exercise his defence with all the legal guarantees”. Alvaro Uribe, age 68, head of the Centre for democratic (CD), the ruling, had announced his detention on remand, a little earlier on his Twitter account.

“The deprivation of my freedom causes me a deep sadness for my wife, for my family and for Colombians who still believe that I have done something good for the fatherland”, has tweeted the leader of the hard right, and sponsoring policy of the current president, Ivan Duque. This decision is unprecedented against a former head of the colombian State was taken during an in camera hearing.

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Alvaro Uribe, who usually lives in his property of Rio Negro, near Medellin, in the north-west of the country, must now wait for the date of his trial before this court, the only one empowered to judge the parliamentarians.

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Alvaro Uribe, heard on October 9, 2019 by the magistrates, is being prosecuted for manipulation of witnesses and fraud procedural, a case that could earn him up to eight years in prison. The ex-president, who still enjoys some popular support for his policy of iron hand against left-wing guerrillas, had filed a complaint in 2012 against senator Ivan Cepeda, for an alleged conspiracy, based on false witnesses.

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He reproached his main political opponent, himself a witness in the case, we have asked to former paramilitaries accuse him of being involved in criminal activities of militias, right-wing armies against the rebels. However, the Court has not initiated prosecutions against Ivan Cepeda, but decided in 2018 to open an investigation against Alvaro Uribe for the same reason : manipulation of witnesses against an opponent.