Closed due to the coronavirus, universities and schools will once again welcome students to the academic year, subject to compliance with the distancing.

They have been closed since march because of an outbreak. But, in a month, the situation could be different. Universities and schools will once again welcome students to the new school year in September, subject to compliance with the rules of distancing strict and, sometimes, to wear a mask.

In a circular issued on Thursday, the ministry of higher Education, has unveiled a new protocol, “more flexible”, which must allow the return of students, forced for several months to follow exclusively their online courses.

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under this new protocol, port of the mask will be mandatory in cases where the rules of detachment – a metre between each student, or to a vacant seat in the closed spaces – will not be met and, “in all circumstances”, within the libraries. Outside of these situations, the department encourages the “strong” students to put on a mask, become mandatory in a growing number of major cities in France.

“Having regard to the permanence of virus circulation, the wearing of the mask is, in any case, recommended in all confined spaces even when the detachment physics is respected”, one can read in this protocol. According to the circular, the enclosed spaces shall be ventilated twice a day” and the movement of students shall be regulated so as to avoid the “combinations and crosses too important”. The gauge of the amphitheatres will thus have to be “adapted”. In this context, the ministry encourages institutions to seek “a greater range” schedule for the opening of their premises.

The circular encouraged the “educational continuity”

After the déconfinement started on the 11th of may, schools, colleges and lycées in France were gradually re-opened their doors, but the institutions of the higher, with 74 universities, remained closed, and waited feverishly for the evolution of the epidemic in view of the start of September.

While cases of Covid-19 resuming an upward trend in France, the ministry of higher Education is cautious, but believes that a reopening is not possible today, even if it continues to call for “vigilance”.

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According to the circular, the defenses of theses should also find their “normal pace”, and symposia academics can be arranged subject to conditions. “We are working hand in hand with the institutions to put in place at the start of the school policies that protect the virus from teachers, staff and students while enabling them to meet, by favouring as much as possible the face-to-face,” commented the minister of higher Education, Frédérique Vidal, quoted in a press release.

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This protocol eased apply in institutions, campuses, residences and university restaurants, but may be questioned in case of resumption of the epidemic that could lead to “reconfinements localized,” warns the ministry. In this perspective, the circular encourages the universities to foresee measures for a “pedagogic continuity” through teaching online.