In may, a 9th group has left the group to the presidential party, which then lost its majority in the chamber.

New beginning within the group LREM to the national Assembly. Mp Christophe Jerretie announced that he was leaving the group to join that of the MoDem, in defending, in unison with his boss Patrick Mignola, the idea of a”grand center”, which annoys in LREM.

“I go there ! I am a centrist. I need to go more on the merits of things, ideas and values”, explained, in an interview in the Figaro this Friday, the member of Corrèze, which envisaged that starting from end 2019. It remains for the moment a member of LREM but “does not exclude the possibility to reach the MoDem in a second time.

When the flow of departures of LREM has not dried up this year amid disagreements on the line or to the municipal, the group has lost the absolute majority in the Assembly. In may, a 9th group policy has been created in the left wing of LREM, founded with such LREM dissidents, “Ecology Democracy Solidarity”, and then a 10th group on the right wing, “Acting together”.

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READ ALSO >> LREM : Bergé, Castaner, de Rugy… the Three flayed ones for the “worst job” of the year

reaching Hand

Thursday, Patrick Mignola, the boss of deputies MoDem, allies of LREM, a “stretched hand” to those “of the majority and the opposition” to “expand the group” and at the same time the majority. An initiative that has provoked strong reactions of Christophe Castaner, and François de Rugy, candidates for the presidency of the group LREM after the scheduled departure of Gilles, The Son-in-law.

ALSO READ >> New group in the Assembly : who are the 17 mps who are wavering the majority LREM?

The deputy LREM Bruno Bonnell has pressed the nail Friday in judging this outstretched hand “to be completely useless on the plan policy”: “Some colleagues LREM are tempted by a switch to the MoDem, which is tantamount to robbing Peter to pay Paul”, he felt on franceinfo.

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LREM : Bergé, Castaner, de Rugy… the Three flayed ones for the “worst job” of the year Jean Castex takes its brands with LREM and demand for “trust” and “cohesion” Good luck to the successor of Gilles, The Son-in-law to manage the “spoiled children”

Patrick Mignola “tire wide enough to open the door to what was a tacit consensus which was that there would be no ‘plug of war’ from one group to the other,” he lamented.