The disaster was triggered ‘ in a local annex of the mosque of Bron. An investigation has been opened.

A fire without a doubt volunteer has declared on Friday at around 3 o’clock in the morning in a local appendix to a prayer room in Bron, in the city of lyon, without making victims, said the prosecutor of Lyons.

The disaster was triggered ‘ in a local annex of the mosque of Bron. The first findings lead us to favor the hypothesis that criminal given two departures of fire recorded at two different locations in the local area”, explains the prosecutor in a press release. The fire was under control and no casualties were reported, according to the same source.

The floor of Lyon has set up an investigation for “damage volunteers by fire” entrusted to the departmental safety of Lyon. “Freedom of worship is a fundamental value in our country,” responded on Twitter that the Interior minister Gérald Darmanin. “An investigation is open and will shed light on the circumstances surrounding the fire”.

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The building partially burned down is more precisely “a local appendix to a prayer room located in a residential area of the centre of Bron”, explained the mayor LR of the city. “There are no tags or claim of nature of islam,” added Jeremiah Bréaud, who visited the site in the morning and received Friday afternoon of the representatives of the muslim faith.

“Attacks intolerable”

rounds involving municipal police and national police will be put in place to secure the room of prayers, he said.

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“The muslim community cannot remain insensitive to the multiplication of acts which affect more and more mosques”, said Abdallah Zekri, president of the national Observatory of fight against the islamophobia and general delegate of the French Council of the muslim cult (CFCM). It “strongly condemns and denounces this criminal act, in respect of a place of worship” and calls for the minister of the Interior to “make every effort to put an end to these attacks intolerable”.

In July, several of the tags plotted in red, including a swastika, had been discovered on the façade of the mosque of Agen.

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at the End of October 2019, it is a shooter octogenarian, former candidate FN in the elections départementales des Landes, who had wounded two worshippers at the mosque of Bayonne, after having set fire to the entrance door of the sacred building and a car.