As announced by the mayor of Paris a few days earlier, the mask will be made compulsory from the end of the weekend in some areas of the capital.

The port of the mask will be mandatory as of Monday, in some areas, very popular in Paris and in Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts-de-Seine, Val-de-Marne and the Val-d’oise, according to a press release of the prefectures concerned.

“All the indicators show that the virus circulates more actively in the region”, according to the press release which does not detail the areas concerned. Wearing a mask will be mandatory for the more than 11 years as of Monday at 8 o’clock.

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For a few days, the mask becomes mandatory in more and more cities. Nancy, Rennes, Marseille, Ajaccio, Strasbourg, Brest or Lille, all of these are common in the require in the places that are most visited or the markets, in particular.

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