The ship, carrying some 700 military personnel and several tons of cargo, sailed from the port of Toulon shortly before 19: 30.

The helicopter carriers of the French navy Thunder has left Sunday Toulon (Var) to Lebanon with significant material and human resources to assist in the operations of clearing-up operations after the massive explosion that devastated a large part of the lebanese capital.

The ship, carrying some 700 military personnel and several tons of cargo, sailed from the port of Toulon shortly before 19: 30. It should arrive off Lebanon on Thursday, according to the Navy.

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“there was a demand of the Lebanese for engineering assets land and sub-marine. There is, therefore, on board specialized teams in the clearing with the right hardware,” explained the captain, commander Christine Ribbe, a spokesman for the maritime prefecture in Toulon, france.

The Thunder carries including a “group genius of the army of about 350 men,” and “that a detachment of divers, bomb disposal experts of the Navy with the skills of underwater work and investigation of port areas”, while the port of Beirut, where took place the explosion on Tuesday was no more than a field of ruins and that many neighborhoods have been destroyed.

building Materials and food assistance

France also sends out to the edge of the Thunder “of the recognition capabilities of access and maritime support hydrography the hydrographic and oceanographic Service of the navy (SHOM)”, said the ministry of the Armed forces in a press release. Means amphibious landing are also on board, as well as two military helicopters.

The seamen-firemen of Marseilles and the firefighters of the Bouches-du-Rhône send on board of the Thunder several specialized vehicles to assist their fellow lebanese.

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food aid and construction materials (plaster etc) provided by the different French ministries and by private companies will also be transported by the helicopter carriers, said Christine Ribbe.

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France, who has organized a video conference of international donors on Sunday, has set up an “air and sea bridge” to carry more than 18 tons of medical aid and nearly 700 tonnes of food aid to Beirut. Several flights loaded with shipments of aid have already left to Lebanon since Wednesday.