After an outage that paralyzed the Parcoursup platform this Wednesday, the deadline for finalizing files for final year students was postponed by one day.

This Wednesday, April 3, the Parcoursup platform which allows final year students to validate their post-baccalaureate career wishes was down. Unfortunately, this was the deadline for applications, which was 11:59 p.m. A hiccup which left many high school students in the lurch, unable to finalize their files. Contacted by Agence France Presse, the ministry mentioned a “server availability problem” which would reduce “the number of simultaneous connections on the platform”. He also wanted to reassure about the reliability of the platform and its ability to receive a large number of visitors: “The situation is not linked to an excess of connections. The platform is adapted to the flows it receives each year “.

So that no candidate is harmed, additional time has been granted by Parcoursup. The deadline for validating wishes has been postponed to this Thursday, April 4, 10 p.m. “The Parcoursup site has been accessible again for more than an hour. So that no candidate is penalized, the deadline for completing your file and confirming your wishes has been postponed to Thursday, April 4, 10 p.m. (Paris time)” could -we read on X (formerly Twitter), at 12:44 a.m., during the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

An episode experienced as “a huge bout of stress” by Charlotte, a high school student in a Parisian establishment and interviewed by Le Parisien. “I tried everything: on my phone, my computer… nothing worked,” she explains. On the other hand, this outage will not have any consequences on the students’ wishes if they do not miss the new deadline set by Parcoursup. At this time, it is impossible to know the origin of this technical problem. The hypothesis of a cyberattack is not excluded, particularly after the attacks by hackers claiming to be from the pro-Russian group Anonymous Sudan at the beginning of March and targeting various French state services.