In the centre of Vienna, it came in front of a tourist-Local to a gunfight. There was a dead and one seriously injured. The manhunt is on.

A dead and one seriously Wounded in shooting on Friday in the centre of Vienna. Suspect is on the run. A “terrorist motive” can be excluded according to police. More likely a Mafia murder apparently.

<<< Update >>>

Update on 23. December 2018: The 23-year-old gunshot victim is now out of danger and arrested. The Viennese police reported, according to the on Sunday afternoon. “The investigators of the land criminal police office Vienna and the Federal criminal police office cooperate intensively with foreign authorities in Serbia and Montenegro,” it says.

According to the current investigation, the two Victims (32, 23) persons who are linked to organised crime in the Western Balkans. It is likely to be of groups of rival in the last few years, several homicides within Riva. The background could be poison to a dispute, published on the sheet.

The 23-year-old victim is no longer in danger of their lives. The man was arrested due to an international manhunt is now firmly. Which state had sought after the 23-Year-old, and the reason according to him was wanted, not communicated to the police, however, according to the report. In the case of the injured it should be a son of the former boss of the Montenegrin Mafia in the Vojvodina capital of Novi Sad. Both the father and the brother of the 23-Year-old were in the Mafia settlement in Novi Sad and Belgrade in 1999, or 2015 perished.

In the course of the investigation it was found also that the 29-year-old companion of the victims of organised crime is to be assigned. The man was also arrested. Reason far-fetched statements, be “” said a spokesman for the national police Directorate of the press Agency APA.

+ A policeman stands at the scene of the crime.©dpa / Georg Hochmuth

shots in Vienna: the perpetrators continue to escape – Mafie-Background?

Update 22. December 2018: According to the firearms attack in the centre of Vienna with a dead and one seriously injured, the police of a crime in connection with a criminal gang from the Balkans. “At present, the fact seems to be in connection with organized crime in the Western Balkans”, it said on Saturday, in a communication to the police. The newspaper “Vijesti”, Montenegro published the alleged name of the victim’s. It was, according to the police, “a key member” of a drug gang. This will lead in 2014 to a bloody battle with another drug gang, which is already about 30 people in Montenegro and Serbia, had been killed, makes wrote sheet.

Montenegrin media also reported that the death toll had only been this month released from prison. There the man have to eat because of bomb attacks on two representatives of the prison authorities.

+++ The attack in the centre of Vienna is according to the findings of the police, a settlement in the Milieu of Organised crime. Officials said on Saturday, is wanted by the unknown perpetrators.

The man had shot and killed a 32-year-old on Friday afternoon in a Passage close to the St. Stephen’s Cathedral. The 23-year-old companion was shot at and injured life-threatening. Another companion at the age of 29 years, remained intact. The Trio was eating according to the police, immediately prior to the attack together in a restaurant. When you Leave the for its Wiener Schnitzel, well-known Restaurants, the shots were fired.

The police had already ruled out a terrorist Background and a targeted Offence spoken. Nevertheless, the bloody incident triggered in the middle of the Christmas hustle and bustle, many passers-by large uncertainty.

Wien: Probably not a terrorist-Background – News vom 21. December

+++According to the managing Director, for his Wiener Schnitzel-known eatery had eaten, the three men previously together in the Restaurant. They were completely unobtrusive. After Leaving the pub, it came to the shots. People who had heard the shots, took refuge in the nearby shops.

+++the area around the wool line 5, as well as the Baker road will remain locked, as the police reports.

+++According to the sender oe.24 two of the Victims was shot in the head. The police do not have a terrorist Background. “It is likely to be a targeted Offence,” wrote the police on Twitter.

Vienna: eyewitness reports of dramatic scenes

+++At the Local to be the “Figlmüller” in the downtown, such as ““ reported.

+++reported As an eye-witness, via Twitter, was near the wool line, to dramatic scenes. “20 to 30 people running all of a sudden, contrary to panic,” he said.

Wien: dead after shots in the city center – offender on the run

+++a police spokesman stressed that there was currently no risk to innocent bystanders. Via Twitter, the Executive published its information in English, not least because of the many tourists currently residing in the capital.

+ A policeman stands at the scene of the crime behind a barrier tape.©dpa / Georg Hochmuth

+++Protect The Area around the downtown was locally blocked in the Baker street immediately on a large scale, even a police helicopter circled in the air in search of the fugitive. The mug measures were subsequently extended to the entire city.

After shots in the City of Vienna has died, according to the forces a human being, another victim was seriously injured. The perpetrators would have fled after the fact at around 13: 30 on Friday. A manhunt was underway, said the police. The Area around the scene of the crime was large-scale shut off. Police officers were stationed with helmets and bullet-proof vests. A police helicopter was in use.

shots in front of Vienna’s Local Figlmüller

see also: airport, spied on, Apparently four Suspects in the visor

Strasbourg-Terror:Two people from custody released

knife attacks in Nuremberg –

adhesive application attempted murder suspect
