a Spectacular use for the police in Darmstadt: you can’t believe who’s driving the car the stopped ambulance.

Darmstadt – The police were recently called in Beerfelden in the case of Darmstadt to be a pretty whimsical use . The officials could not believe, whom you behind the wheel of an ambulance encountered. Beerfelden is a district of the city of Oberzent in the South of Odenwald. The 3,376 thousand-person village of 50 kilometres to the South of Darmstadt is Beerfelden. extratipp.com* reported about the incident.

Darmstadt: sick of locking the car on the road

An ambulance raced according to the Police report with a high-speed and switched on the special-signal Beerfelden in Darmstadt, Germany. On the Federal road to Groß-Umstadt in the ambulance by a police patrol around 1: 50 a.m. stopped. As the driver opened the door of the ambulance, couldn’t believe it the officials. the Behind the wheel sat not a medic.

Darmstadt: police don’t believe it


the ambulance raced apparently confused man on the Federal road in Beerfelden in Darmstadt and the 30 miles. The 35-year-old man was under the influence of alcohol.

According to the police headquarters South Hessen, the man seemed to be mentally attached , the combination with alcohol should have done the Rest. Due to his state of health, the 35-Year-old in a specialist clinic.

Darmstadt: How came the man to the ambulance?

The apparently confused man was previously, against 1.30 PM, in the rescue guard Beerfelden in Darmstadt broke . There, he grabbed a radio and the keys of an ambulance. High-speed and switched on at the special signal he was on the way via the Federal road to Groß-Umstadt. An impressive 30 kilometres of the confused man back, before he was stopped by the police. Because of the Burglary and reckless driving under alcohol display against the 35-Year-old from Beerfelden. Just for the readers to discuss about this message: Perverse mistreat pregnant Mare cruel , such as extratipp.com* reported.

*extratipp.com is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.