The public prosecutor confirmed to Le Progrès this Thursday, October 19, that the body found on October 12 in an uninhabited house in the Rhône is indeed that of Marwan Berreni. The Plus belle la vie actor had been missing since the beginning of August.

One week, to the day, after the discovery of a lifeless body in an uninhabited house located in the town of Corcelles-en-Beaujolais, in the Rhône department, DNA rendered its verdict. It is indeed the remains of Marwan Berreni, confirmed to Progrès, Thursday October 19, 2023, the public prosecutor of Villefranche-sur-Saône, Laetitia Francart. “The first medico-legal findings revealed themselves to be compatible with death by hanging,” the magistrate told the local newspaper, adding that “the genetic analyzes carried out also confirmed ‘with very great certainty’ that it was of the body of Marwan Berreni”.

On October 12, the son of the owner of the house discovered the lifeless body. Very quickly, the link with the Plus belle la vie actor, missing since the beginning of August, was made, a bag containing identity papers in his name as well as a bank card having been found on site. Likewise, the actor’s vehicle was abandoned on August 5, just six kilometers from the farmhouse where the body was found.

While the body found on Thursday October 12 had not yet been officially identified, those close to Marwan Berreni paid tribute to the actor. His father spoke on Friday October 13 in the columns of Libération: “The door of hope has closed,” said Mourad Berreni. He claimed to be “angry at having been left in total silence by the police and the courts” since they reported the worrying disappearance of their son, resulting in the opening of an investigation on September 19.

Several actors from Plus belle la vie also had a thought for the actor who played Abdel Fedala in the soap opera, whether with a black square on Instagram or via more substantial messages. This is the case of David Baïot, interpreter of Djawad Sangha: “Marwanou […]. We learned, grew together, shared so many moments that I treasure preciously, even our arguments and our disagreements contributed to making me someone better. Thank you […]. Without you, I wouldn’t be who I am today. It hurts so much to know that you won’t be here anymore.”

The Plus belle la vie actor, aged 34, had been missing since August 3. On that date, his vehicle was involved in a car accident in the parking lot of a nightclub in Mâcon, in Saône-et-Loire. A 37-year-old woman was seriously injured. As a result of the accident, she suffered multiple fractures, a pneumothorax and lacerations to her liver and lung. After five days in intensive care, she was prescribed twenty-eight days of total work interruption (ITT). The gendarmes then favored the possibility of a road accident involving a hit-and-run.