“You’re on fire? Then come to us,“ reads the Flyer of the newly established youth fire brigade Eicherloh. In January, there was created a youth group. Numerous young people have reported since then, with group Manager Monika Seidel.

Eicherloh – The 37-year-old respiratory protection for the wearer, a First Responder Trained and squad leader himself is already 16 years in the fire service. Together with her Partner Marcus Seidel, and Christian Albert, you would like to pass on our enthusiasm for the fire Department to the Eicherloher youth.

“We want to show in a playful way, the tasks of the fire brigade,” she explained at the first information evening Interested. Also companionship are in addition to the General knowledge of the Practical, and a willingness to help. “By the way, we want to lead you to the active service approach,” said Seidel. The youth group is to have the possibility, in the case of breathing exercises to watch, and in the case of joint Exercises to participate or “play the victim”. Also theoretical knowledge is taught to young Fire fighters.

The fun of it to come, however, not too short, like the three group leaders are in agreement. Now, we are, among other things, common exercises with the youth groups in the neighboring places, trips to the indoor swimming pool, a tent camp, or visits to other, larger fire departments.

The new group meets now every two weeks on Tuesdays at 18 PM at the fire house.

Julia Adam