Hot, hot, summer of 2019. After last year the temperatures were already extremely high, breaks this summer all records. It is now up to the autumn?

Berlin – It’s definitely a summer of records! During the month of may was in Germany this year, too cold and wet, the temperatures from June rapidly. For days, the values were far above 30 degrees. Heat records have been broken several times – in Germany, for example, in Lingen, with 42.6 degrees, but also in France and in Israel temperatures were measured from 45 to 50 degrees – as hot as never before.

After the June and July brought in Europe such high temperatures, it is statistically, according to the Weather Channel it is very likely that also in August, extreme weather conditions in Germany. Most of the current climate models would predict for Europe, that it will be very hot and dry. It would also give evidence that once again extreme weather conditions with heat on the continent to come.

attention a Video from the lake of Constance provides meanwhile. A meter-high column of water is seen.

summer of 2019 in Germany: the risk of lightning strikes due to temperature fall

brings with it not only the heat risks, it also drops an increased severe weather risk with strong Temperature. So France, for example, a sharp temperature fall from 40 to 20 degrees. Just such a strong Temperature contrasts favor of a Thunderstorm, with heavy hail, such as you take place this weekend, especially in the West and South of Germany.

The extreme summer of 2019

The first week of August, it goes on changing. Although we are experiencing on Tuesday a heat Comeback, but then the temperatures climbing barely over the 30 degree mark.

The Thunderstorms are still only a drop in the bucket. Because of the long drought, the soils dried up are ongoing. Farmers in Germany suffer from crop failures and withered fields. A short, strong rain due to isolated Thunderstorm helps against dryness, penetrates deep enough into the ground to fix the drought there. Meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann, therefore, is anyway less concerned about the high temperatures, but the drought issue head on, causing him to shatter.

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weather in Germany: what happens after the summer?

If the autumn is warm and dry, it is not yet possible to reliably predict because of the great weather in the summer and in the autumn there is no connection, so Weather Channel is practical. Dominik Jung meteorologist, you do not believe, for example, of a speedy new heat wave. His forecast can be read here.

weather phenomenon in Germany: Jetstream extreme storms

The weather in Germany was rarely so extreme. After the heat, there is now rain, and the autumn-feelings. Responsible for this is a weather phenomenon that could bring violent storms.

The Greens called for due to the “climate crisis,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a right to free Heat and home office. Researchers in Potsdam have found a drastic measure, such as the melting of glaciers in the Antarctic still can be prevented. A glacier in Alaska is melting, but, apparently, already, two German tourists and a Guide were presumably killed.