The trip begins, passengers enter the plane and the Crew welcomes you, but only that In the head of the on-Board personnel through a key check-list.

the welcoming of The Crew when the passengers go aboard, is usually very friendly. Often, you will feel but also something observed – and for good reason: The Crew scans each guest on certain aspects, which serve the safety during the flight.

“Everyone has a check list in your head,” says Christian Liepack, press officer of Airberlin, compared to the news portal Unnoticed by the cabin crew wants to take a picture of the passengers. “Finally, we can’t stop like a cab driver on the road and a passenger to get off ask. Safety is a top priority. Therefore, we look at exactly who gets on a plane,” says Liepack.

security check all passengers for a welcome from the Crew checked on different things: a passenger on an aggressive impression? Is a woman on Board who is pregnant? the Here is the check list at a Glance:

1. Hand baggage

After the greeting does not respect the Board staff as to whether the respective piece of hand Luggage is too big for the cabin. The Crew must be able to assess whether or not the Luggage in the cabin or even better in the cargo compartment is stowed.

2. Language

welcome attempts by the Crew to assess which is the passenger which language İmajbet speaks. This is all about, to be able to passengers in case of emergency, as well as possible.

3. Pregnancies

When pregnant women go on Board, the Crew a certificate to show. Because it is only so that it allows pregnant women to fly.

4. Fitness of passengers

the physical condition of the passengers is taken. Here, too, it’s about the emergency and about how athletic or less athletic someone is. For fit passengers to be set on the seat at the emergency exit. Also ideal for paramedics or Doctors.

5. Illicit goods

The Security Check is already checked whether passengers have suspicious things. However, the personnel on Board is safe again and pay attention to eye-catching items.

6. Physical or mental disabilities

It is important for the Crew to know if anyone on Board is physically or mentally disabled. Because in an emergency, the passengers have to rely on the help of the Crew.

7. Alcoholism

Some of the passengers to drink due to their nervousness before the flight alcoholic drinks. For the Crew important Information. Because more often than not under-estimate that your body reacts in a pressure cabin in more than 10,000 meters of altitude different than on the ground, so Liepack. “You drink already to much, some because they have a fear of flying.” If the level is already before departure to high, it is necessary to consider, for safety reasons, if the passenger does not pose a risk to other passengers.

8. Aggressiveness

aggressive passengers may pose a security risk. The Crew pays attention to the mood of the passengers when Boarding.

Also interesting: you can do against fear of flying. Comprehensive tips and Tricks for air travel you can read here.


These are the things you should note in the aircraft