The 30-year-old Susanna colorectal cancer. Through the treatment, you can’t have any more children – it would have been an alternative solution. Not have informed the Doctors in Susanna?

The 30-year-old Susanna colon cancer – you know that you will die from it. The Marketing Manager will only be treated palliatively, your symptoms can only be alleviated.

With your friend Benny is moved by the disease and closer together, like the Couple in the TV documentary “Here and Now” tells the story. Susanna tells the story of twelve “horrible chemotherapy,” the behind – without the hoped-for success, to defeat the cancer. Holiganbet

the “Here and Now” in RTL2: blow for Susanna

to be added To this blow of fate is another, which is to endure for the 30-Year-old is particularly difficult to Through all the Chemo-therapies Susanna was not only serious damage to the nerves, but also can not have children – a tragedy for the young Couple.

“could not be more in the Here and Now” in RTL2: Susanna freezing ova

Susanna told that the Doctors had informed only shortly before the treatment that a Chemo-therapy may limit the ability to have children – too late to react. You have not had the Chance to let the eggs freeze. “I’ve always thought that children are nothing to what must necessarily be,” says the 30-Year-old in the RTL2 broadcast, “but in the meantime, I have the feeling that I was deprived of something Important.”

What helps the Couple cope with the Situation, is Humor – and the fact that they have each other.

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