French comedian Guillaume Bats died at the age of 36 on Thursday, June 1, 2023. The cause of death is not yet known.

Guillaume Bats, one of France’s leading figures of humor, died on Thursday, June 1, 2023. The 36-year-old comedian’s production company, Dark Smile Productions, announced the news on Facebook: “C’ It is with the deepest sadness that we announce the death of Guillaume Bats, our great friend and brother in heart and on stage”. “We do not yet know the cause of this tragic event,” the company said.

The comedian suffered from osteogenesis imperfecta, better known as brittle bone disease. Guillaume Bats – Bareau of his real name – follower of black humor, never missed an opportunity to make his illness the subject of some of his sketches, notably presenting himself in one of his shows as the holder of the record for the number of postnatal fractures or even as “the funniest gargoyle in Paris”. The 30-year-old was currently on tour and presented his new one-man show, Inchallah, in French cinemas.

From the start of his career, Guillaume Bat had befriended comedian Jérémy Ferrari. The latter had also participated in the production of certain shows of Guillaume Bats and took part in the writing of the last one man show of the humorist. The two artists also distinguished themselves on stage as a duo at festivals or for the famous “impossible duos by Jérémy Ferrari”.

Himself disabled, Guillaume Bats explained, however, on the set of the show Ca begins today in 2020 that he refused to activism: “If I do my job well on stage, the cause of disability will defend itself naturally, he believes, without my adding militancy to that”. This did not prevent him from taking remarks on the content of these sketches: “I am often told that my show is about disability. I say no: it is the show of a person with a disability. which tells his life. The nuance is weak, but I don’t want to be cataloged as the disabled. I want to be an artist before being a disabled person.”

The world of comedians is in mourning following the death of Guillaume Bats on June 1, 2023. On Twitter, Anne Roumanoff commends the resilience and courage he was able to show during his life: “We told you: ‘ It’s impossible. Take a look at yourself!’ You made it. You made whole rooms laugh. Self-mockery and dark humor not to cry. You helped thousands of people to accept themselves. Goodbye Guillaume Bats.” Donel Jack’sman hailed “the king of self-mockery and ‘We can laugh at anything and fuck you!’ A thought for your family and loved ones. Forever in our hearts. Love you my man”. The Montreux Comedy shared its “infinite sadness” following the “sudden disappearance of Guillaume Bats. The entire Montreux Comedy team shares the pain of his family and friends.”

Guillaume Bats was suffering from a rare hereditary disease causing bone fragility due to a defect in the synthesis of collagen in the bones. People affected by this disease can suffer recurrent fractures caused by minor trauma. Brittle bone disease can be of different types depending on its severity. Depending on the case, the disease is not life-threatening for patients, but for other patients with more serious forms, bone deformities can affect vital functions, particularly respiratory or cardiac functions.

If Guillaume Bats talks about his disease with humor in his one-man shows, he evoked it more seriously in Faustine Bollaert’s program Ça commence today, in 2020: “It’s a genetic disease, I was born with 27 fractures”. The comedian explained in particular that he had received “mockery” during his career: “I cashed in as best I could, I lowered my eyes, limit I found it normal that people look at me. And little by little, the looks, I have faced.”

Born on April 14, 1987, Guillaume Bats has never hidden having had a complicated childhood. In 2019, during the launch of the tour of his show “Hors cadre!”, the comedian revealed to Here that he had been abandoned by his mother: “When I was born, I stayed less than a year with my mother. She didn’t take it, and I ended up in a nursery until the age of 4. After that, I went to a center during the week and to a foster family at the weekend. , I stayed there full time, but two years later I had to leave.”

He reveals in 2020 in It Starts Today that he saw his mother a few times as a child, but thanked her for not keeping him. “The best thing my mother did for me was abandon me. If I had stayed with her, I might not have developed this taste for the stage, I might not have had that humor and self-mockery. My journey was bumpy, sure, but that’s probably what got me to this today.”

Guillaume Bats was 11 years old when he found a stable and loving family with “a slightly older lady”: “I consider her children as my uncles and aunts. Very quickly, I became an integral part of their family and , today, they are all behind me. Unfortunately, this mother of heart died in 2010, she could not see me on stage, it is the great sadness of my life”.

Guillaume Bats began his career as a comedian in the 2000s, playing as an amateur at the MJC in Montmirail before obtaining his baccalaureate. After studying at the Sorbonne-Nouvelle Paris III. At the microphone of the program It starts today in 2020, he explained that he started with “an open stage at the Treviso theater at the end of 2011, of five minutes, which was filmed and put on the internet. This sketch made the buzz, been shared by people in the business, who from there began to take an interest in me, to make me do the first parts.

He opened for Anthony Kavanagh, Jean-Marie Bigard and the Count of Bouderbala, while doing his own solo Parisian and provincial dates. From 2013, he made the first parts of comedian Jeremy Ferrari, who helped him to become known to the general public. In 2017, we see him opening for Michaël Gregorio at the Olympia. The same year, he appeared on Laurent Baffie’s show Open Bar. In 2018, he played his only on stage “Hors cadre”.