Dancing with the Stars 2024 is back on TF1 this Friday, with an unusual prime time, the first since the conflict between Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier who will be closely watched this evening…

Dancing with the Stars has always been an unmissable event for fans of dance, television entertainment and “good vibes”, as TF1 likes to remind us. But this year, the 13th season of DALS is marked by an unusual incident that has attracted attention well beyond the usual artistic and competitive issues of the program. Since mid-March, a violent conflict between two candidates, the singer Natasha St-Pier and the comedian Inès Reg, has disrupted the harmony usually displayed in front of and behind the cameras.

The dispute between Natasha St-Pier and Inès Reg began during a rehearsal session at Keral Studios, in Malakoff, on January 31, a few days before the launch of the 2024 season of Dancing with the Stars. Inès Reg allegedly asked Natasha St-Pier to reduce the volume of her music. The situation would then have escalated when the singer reacted by calling Inès Reg a “little slut”, a remark which she then tried to minimize by attributing it to a joke linked to an anecdote from the show Beijing Express in 2022 , during which Inès Reg had a fight with Valérie Trierweiler in a sequence that has become cult. Despite the Canadian artist’s apologies, the comedian did not accept this explanation, which led to an escalation in tensions between the two participants.

This altercation, reported in the press a month and a half after the events, reverberated this week on social networks, where the two stars took turns sharing their respective versions through messages and Instagram stories, sowing confusion among fans of the show. Natasha St-Pier and her dance partner, Anthony Colette, reported threats from Inès Reg and her entourage, which the comedian formally denied. Handrails have been removed.

The discord between the two women has reached such a point that the management of TF1 has decided to crack down, France Info reported this Friday. The channel would have considered putting Inès Reg and Natasha St-Pier out of the competition, in order to preserve the family and “feel good” spirit of the show. The host of Dancing with the Stars, Camille Combal, also reacted before Friday’s prime and recognized the existence of this altercation, comparing it to a family argument or an episode of “Dallas”. He stressed that such incidents were rare, but could occur in DALS, while expressing hope that the show could return to its essence of family entertainment.