Luise Kinseher talks about the differences within the female sex, and the headwind that you in the Adoption of the Nockherberg hill.

The actress Luise Kinseher is since 1998 also on the German cabaret stage. For your stage programs received several awards, including the Bavarian cabaret. From 2010 to 2018, she appeared as Mama Bavaria at the annual politicians-Derblecken on the Nockherberg and was first confronted with misogyny.

How did in your opinion, the emancipation of women in the past 25 years?

Luise Kinseher: We still have an imbalance. It is true that many women are professionally well prepared, but at the same time family want and then this splits down between family and career. Even if I look like that in my circle of friends… We all really emancipated women are, have been characterised in the 70s. We are the first generation of Women who had all the opportunities to be able to develop. And that is exactly the Generation that tears it, between these two poles of family and professional life.

these Are the negative effects of emancipation?

Kinseher: This is not a negative impact of emancipation, but our absolutely brutal performance company! That women can go into professions, not so much, therefore, that the company’s image or the image of women has changed. But this is clearly the economic pressure! You can at the present time, the talents you need, don’t just let it lie fallow. Which has developed in the last 20, 30 years ago, when the women came to the good Jobs, rapidly. But at the same time it is an absolute ordeal. We women have not yet arrived where we want to go.

On your Website: If I were blonde, everything would be easier. A spark of truth in there?

Kinseher (thinking): This has to do with the fact that there are beautiful women learn from Childhood that you don’t have to do that, because they are so beautiful and so delicate and so lovely. But if you are yourself a woman, I say, in battle mode, and a permanent challenge for the next task and always says: I must do this and that, here, still, as still learning, there is still something to improve as I think to myself sometimes: man, now just only as a pretty, blond female sit in the cafe, and his Chihuahua pet, and the man supplies – that would be nice, too. But these thoughts I’ve got a maximum of three seconds (laughs). That is rather the invitation to myself, to be quiet, and to do less and not equal to the next burden of work. But that’s just my character.

According to the Nockherberg: , “mom Bavaria” gets his own TV Show

Luise Kinseher: “…in a time in which no one knows any more, what is right“

we Come to the cabaret. Dominated the scene still of men?

Kinseher: Absolutely! Until today! There is now thank God more women. In Bavaria, we have a whole team of successful women-cabaret interior. But if you think, for example, to the television – because the cabaret is clearly dominated by men. And the Emails I get, when I took on the Nockherberg, don’t want to read! This has shaken me so badly! Also, because I have not had the subject for women to date even on the pan. I never thought about the role of femininity on the stage, I’ve got Mine done, as an artist, finished. I didn’t want to be defined as a woman, I wanted to be seen as Luise Kinseher. Only when this cold Wind was blowing on the Nockherberg to me, with a misogyny special That I had to cope with for the first time and try not to take it personally the same…. Once you’ve done that, you have to stand over it, and then you can make more. But sensitive you may not be there.

As a mom Bavaria you have engaged intensively with the Bavarian politics and many politicians personally met. Are women better politicians?

Kinseher: I think that women, because of their Intuition in the policy is very important. But there are also men who have a good Intuition. And this is becoming more and more important, in a time in which no one knows any more what is right. How to decide if it is 7 000 arguments and on the other side as well? Then you have to make the decision at the end of intuitive. But there are also women in politics are brutal. Therefore, it is difficult to say that the Female must be included. But empathy and Intuition would certainly be helpful – and these are female characteristics.

Interview: Melanie Mörtlbauer