So can norwegians save 4,25 billion in interest expenses

on Friday gave prime minister Erna Solberg (H) a clear message: In 2020 it norgesferie on Ola and Kari Nordmann.

the Same week came several studies that revealed how the norwegians any time traveling in the summer.

A survey that Ipsos conducted for your organization Norwegian Outdoor life, shows that 10 percent of all adult norwegians considers it likely that they are going to visit the Lofoten islands in the summer.

this represents 425 000 norwegians.

many dreams about the Lofoten islands-holiday, is also confirmed by Norstat, which has conducted a survey on behalf of ABC News. Here, it is disclosed that 28 per cent of norwegians want to go to the Lofoten islands in the summer.

It troubles Jan Håkon Juul, kommuneoverlege in Vågan. He fears a turistboom may have consequences for the smittespredningen in the region.

WANT to VISIT: Kommuneoverlege Jan Håkon Juul hope many norwegians add the holiday to the Lofoten islands, when employment in the region is largely based on tourism. – But I hope they can have a behavior that contributes to the fact that we don’t get infection, says Juul about the visiting. Photo: Private Show more Get infections

– It can go well, and it can go horribly bad, ” says Juul to Dagbladet.

It is a little bit out from how people behave, and how they have behaved before they travel – whether they have had risk behaviours, or whether they have been good at keeping distance to others.

Dagbladet coronaoversikt shows that lofotkommunene currently have a few infections.

Kommuneoverlege in the borough of Flakstad, Solveig Nilsen, think of the summer tourism can change that.

KOMMUNEOVERLEGE: Solveig Nilsen jobs in Flakstad, and is resident in Moskenes. Together, the municipalities of the seven confirmed infections. Photo: Private Show more

– a Large throughput of people doing the that one must take into account that it is greater infection. We have to reckon with, ” says Nilsen.

Full rorbuer

Kommuneoverlegen points out that it is not unusual that it comes 400 000 people to the Lofoten islands in the summer.

the Problem is that we can’t have them as tight as they have been before. All of the cabins used to be full. There are dining facilities, campsites and common areas we see as places where there may be increased risk of infection.

Both Nielsen and Juul are concerned about whether the health care system in the Lofoten islands will be able to handle any smitteøkning in the tourist season, when the population of the municipalities is increasing drastically.

– If the many get sick, don’t we have a health service that is staffed for many infected people, ” says Nilsen.

Here is the fresh ferierådene dinside Calls for funding

Jan Håkon Juul points out that they usually have good preparedness to accept lofotturistene. Actually, also in 2020.

But then we have coronaen in addition. It creates a challenge with the intention to create a contingency double up, ” says kommuneoverlegen.

He also calls for additional grants from the state to make the health care system in the small reiselivskommuner equipped to cope with the summer turistboom.

the Grant from the state, to finance the handling of the covid-19, was used up in the course of may, ” he explains.

– We must have finances to be able to maintain a contingency. Especially when the state opens up for mobility in Norway, so I think that one will help to ensure that municipalities should be able to handle it.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError LESS INFECTION: Small municipalities with a lot of summer tourism no economy to cope with any infected visitors. Video: NTB Scanpix Show more Replying on the local economy

In the government’s press conference on Friday asked the Review the following questions to prime minister Erna Solberg (H):

– Hytteforbudet was justified with capacity challenges for the local health care system. Is there anything that you consider to be gearing up in connection with the summer holidays?

the Prime minister replied that it is not added up to a special rearmament.

– It is very special with a part of the great reiselivsdestinasjonene on the mountain, is that it is very befolkningstynne areas in the first place. Summer tourism then in the Uk benefits both of the larger municipalities, but also of many more municipalities, ” said Solberg.

She pointed out that smittesituasjonen have changed since the hytteforbudet was introduced, and argued that the current smittesituasjon will not provide the same type of merbelastning for the municipalities.

We assume essentially that there should not be such sykdomstopper that we could have been afraid, for example, through easter.

Turn On the LydErrorAllerede plus customer? Log into herError SUMMER: For the vast, vast majority will summer vacation in the year will be in Norway, and here there is a sea of opportunities! Video: Kristin Sørdal. Clip: Ørjan Ryland Show more Open for local initiatives

Solberg got support from director Bjørn Guldvog.

We believe that as long as the situation is the way it is now, so is this a fully acceptable way to handle it. So it may be we are coming in situations that make that we need to implement local measures in some places, if you get outbreak, for example, said Guldvog.

– There could be communities that are being charged. But we are in a completely different way now equipped to be able to test those which may develops symptoms, and therefore, much faster than we could in march to find out who this is about, and give them advice about what they should do next.

Here you can rv camp in the summer dinside a Clear message to tourists

In the Lofoten and Vesterålen has kommuneoverlegene teamed up to create a guide to the local tourism industry, in order to avoid a large increase in infection in the area.

Kommuneoverlege Solveig Nilsen also has a call to the norwegians who are planning a holiday in the Lofoten islands:

– It is very important that those who come here to comply with all of the guidance that comes from central authorities: keeps distance, has good hand hygiene and stay away if they are sick.

Nilsen think not, however, there comes a smittetopp in the summer holidays, and points out that the forecasts indicate a smittebølge in October, or just over christmas.

Discourages international travel to the 20. august

It may be that it’s going to go just good, ” says lofotkvinnen.

Encourages the proliferation

Ari S. Berg, the chief physician at the Norwegian institute of public health, encourages norwegians to think about the geographical spread when we are planning the summer holidays.

– It is trying to apply to places others do not want to go, can be a good idea. It is part of the general invitation to keep a little distance, Berg says to Dagbladet.

– Smittetrykket in general in Norway is so low that it is difficult to maintain general travel advice that one should not drive domestic leisure trips anymore. Then it becomes a problem that many people choose a relatively limited number of destinations.

however, It is not equated with turistboom and smitteboom, ” emphasizes Berg.

– the Lofoten islands is not less than that one should be able to keep a good distance there, even if you get many Norwegian tourists.

ADVICE: FHI-fulfillment Are Berg says that it is more important how you behave where you are, than where you are. Berg encourages norwegians to be “the good smittevernfornuften” on vacation. Photo: Terje Bendiksby / NTB Scanpix Show more Beads throughout the country

Lasse Heimdal is the general secretary of the fellesorganisasjonen Norwegian Outdoor recreation, which is behind the Ipsos-survey about norwegians ‘ travel plans.

Heimdal describes the Lofoten islands as “an adventure” and “a place that everyone must experience”.

But maybe not all at once, ” says the secretary-general to the Newspaper.

SECRETARY: Lasse Heimdal, head of the Norwegian Outdoor life, The Norwegian tourist association (DNT) and the Norwegian Red Cross among its membership. Photo: Wanda Nordstrøm / Norwegian Outdoor life Show more

He encourages norwegians to explore the whole of Norway in the summer.

Much to suggest that some norwegians will clump up together, we don’t know any better. When we sit and plan your vacation, there are many people who only know the name of a few drømmesteder. But Norway is full of thousands of beads over the entire country, ” says the secretary general.

He recommends the DNT, Kulturminnesøk and veibøkene to the NAF for the inspiration for this summer’s vacation.

Here await the turistboom

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