For two and a half years, there is the sports bar as the club restaurant of the SC Olching. The tenant, Michael and Silke Maier have a lot invested in the renovation and the interior of the dilapidated rooms at the Toni-March-street. Also on the street food market, Maiers. But for now:

Olching – In the new year, a new – yet unknown – tenant. The confirmed SCO-President Günther Schinabeck. In January, the restaurant has to work due to renovation – especially in the kitchen area.

The Association’s President stressed: “Only by the football alone no restaurant can survive.” Still, because the audience went to pay at the Games of the national League kicker and their Reserve in the two years by almost half. A possible reason: “We often play at the same time as 1860 München and have in place many of the Fans.” Others speak in turn, by a certain habituation effect to the land League, and that this game cratosslot has already in the third year, the appeal of the New.

does not meet The strict requirements of the district administrative office, of the city and the environmental protection Agency are also not always easy. “We’re here right in the middle of a nature conservation and flood protection area, which not only restricts changes to the stadium, but generally on the whole site,” says Schinabeck.

to find A Balance between a non-profit sports club and a for-profit restaurant is not always easy. Since the SCO-restaurant is located in the centre of the city. Michal Maier self-revealed, however, that a business was primarily with weddings or events such as the carnival Guild. The Marshal Guido Amendt is part of the brewery to the sponsors of the SCO. Most recently, Amendt started thinking about how we could attract more Fans to the Games and also in the restaurant.

SC Olching was glad to have the Maiers a solid and down-to-earth host found. Too much luck of the SCO, with its hosts in the past had not always. Financial disputes, terminations of Tenancies and disputes before the court had, in particular, dominated in 2013 and 2014 the headlines. tel/hk