Alain Delon’s daughter spoke for the first time on the Alain Delon-Hiromi Rollin affair in the show “Sept à Eight” this Sunday.

Anouchka Delon spoke for the first time on the Hiromi Rollin affair this Sunday, September 8. Guest of Audrey Crespo-Mara in the show Seven to Eight, Alain Delon’s daughter claimed that her father “never officially introduced Hiromi Rollin to her”. “She took care of our father’s second home, but he never introduced her to me like that. He never introduced this woman to me as his partner, ever.”

She thus assures that it would be Hiromi Rollin who would have “forced” Alain Delon to present her as “his companion” in Paris Match and in a TV5 program a few months ago: “When you live with a woman who hammers you all the time. day: ‘Say that I’m your partner, say that I’m your partner, I want to marry you, I want you to leave the house to me, at some point it’s called moral harassment. Being behind someone all all day barking, at some point it gets to your head.'”

“I’m not asking Hiromi Rollin for anything. Let her get out of our lives, that’s all.” Anouchka Delon thus affirms at Audrey Crespo-Mara’s microphone that her father is “living well” with the departure of Hiromi Rollin and the legal proceedings. She also recalls that Alain Delon co-signed his children’s complaint: “He was perfectly aware of what he was doing.”

In July 2023, Hiromi Rollin, presented as Alain Delon’s “companion lady”, was removed from the actor’s house. His children had indicated, in a press release, that they were pursuing Hiromi Rollin. Two complaints were filed against him: one by Anouchka and Alain-Fabien Delon for “moral harassment”, “misappropriation of correspondence” and “animal mistreatment”, the other by Anthony Delon for “moral harassment”, “violence on a vulnerable person” and “abuse of weakness”.

At the end of September, Hiromi Rollin responded to these accusations in an interview with Le Parisien. She introduces herself as Alain Delon’s “companion” and says she has been in a romantic relationship with him for thirty-three years. According to Hiromi Rollin, these complaints are a “set-up” by Alain Delon’s children to keep him away from the actor. “I took care of him alone, I never had any help from his children nor the slightest recognition from them,” she clarified to Le Parisien.

Hiromi Rollin in turn filed a complaint against Alain Delon’s children for “slanderous denunciation”. Anouchka Delon dealt with this in Sept à Huit: “We have nothing to be ashamed of, there is no problem,” she assures, also claiming to have filmed the scene of the expulsion of Hiromi Rollin from the residence of Douchy, video which would have been entrusted to the courts.

Regarding the 110,000 euros which were allegedly found by the gendarmes at Hiromi Rollin’s house, Anouchka Delon does not hide her suspicions, affirming that “she withdrew quite substantial sums of money over weeks” with the actor’s bank card , wondering “where they are going”.