on The subject of Foundation is commonly thought to rich people and large assets. But there is a way. 147 people put down 20 years ago, with comparatively small amounts of the Foundation stone for a Foundation, which is now one of the most successful in the whole of Germany: the Brucker citizens Foundation.

Fürstenfeldbruck – birthdays not to vorfeiern. However, in the Board of Directors of the citizens Foundation, has always been a bit impatient and wanted to move things forward, as the chair Dorothee von Bary at the anniversary celebration eyes, remarked, with a wink. And hardly anything could be the Dedicated addition, as a fearful superstition.

So you did the 20-Year-old a few days prior to the 3. May – the day of the year in 1999, the recognition of the citizens Foundation was launched by the government of upper Bavaria. The two decades, as in the flight have passed, illuminated threshing floor of the event forum were of Bary, district administrator Thomas Karmasin and the numerous guests in the mood to agree.

Karmasin, since the early days of patron, recalled that the current honorary Chairman Fritz had Morgenstern had loved for a large donation, should grow up a mighty tree. Instead, many small seeds “– had been set in amounts” at the time, still in the form of 1000-Mark-from which “so many plants are risen”.

None of the many projects set up by the citizens Foundation since then, was on the green table. “There have always been citizens who came with ideas and societal concerns to us,” recalled by Bary. One of them was a Jazz violinist Frank Wunderer, who wanted to offer young people a new musical Forum. The unique strings, big band, blue strings, which acted up to the anniversary celebration. A light installation by the Eichenauer artist Georg Trenz continued matching optical Aktzente.

The citizens Foundation reaches all generations and layers of society. She is a holder, among other things, of three boards in the County, operates the senior help ray of Sunshine, a volunteer – and internship exchange, a mediator project in schools and the Baby-to-visit-program “Welcome to life”. In total, there are 13 projects that are funded by around 250 volunteers.

“Our greatest asset are the people”, was Bary is convinced. That so many citizens are Know for their fellow time, and are Able to provide, have contributed to an improvement in the quality of life for all, praised the Ex-member of Parliament and current Red-cross-President, Gerda Hasselfeldt, a self-founding benefactor. In 1999, the community Foundation was one of the first of its kind in Germany. Today, thanks to the now 400 founders of the largest. Hasselfeldt certificated Bruckern to bursting with creativity and ideas.