ZDF-Moderator Harald Lesch holds at the Gymnasium Tegernsee a lecture. As problems occur, the TV physicist, any version, and threatens the students.

Tegernsee – the visit of Harald Lesch will be the Tegernsee high school students will not soon forget. In memory of the first landing on the moon 50 years ago, ZDF-Moderator and astrophysicist Harald Lesch students of the gymnasium Tegernsee in the space – crash landing included. At the beginning there were problems with the Headset micro, the high school had rented, because the physicist had insisted (see Interview below). The Problem could be solved. It went peacefully. For the time being.

Dramaturgically clever mixed Lesch, the really dry technical facts with the world political situation, with the spy stories, the latest Science Fiction films and astronomical knowledge, Vevobahis and was by the students with applause. But lasted not long.

student welcome Harald Lesch in Tegernsee with applause – but when the machine is spinning, ticking it off

Lesch wanted to continue with the further development of the space under the Russian and European participation to continue – as his Computer crashed. And then the peace in All was over.

The scientist, previously due to the lack of frequency transmission technology – that is to say micro – speaker-System – grazing was lost.

Lesch appeared annoyed by the poor technique of the gymnasium, and when, finally, his Computer was, he was really mad. Not only is the. The TV physicist, also had a concrete suspicion, and threatened:

Harald Lesch to students: “I am a member of the security conference. Will find out who did it”

“If someone has hacked into this Computer, will it will be bitter. This will have significant consequences. I am a member of the safety conference and will find out who it was.“

After that, the physics Professor continued on his lecture without picture material pretty grumpy.

Lesch 58 finished his lecture then but still reasonably forgiving: The-Year-old answered a number of questions from the students and closed with a song of praise to the wonderful, small, blue planet earth, the human sometimes very far would have to fly away, to see what a Paradise you live there.

Lesch-occurs in Tegernsee: principal “glad” that Lesch has moved on

We spoke after the event with the Tegernsee headmaster Werner oberholzner about how he felt about the incident:

Mr Oberholzner, how did you feel about the reaction of Mr. Lesch to the technology problem?

Oberholzner: We were very sad that he has reacted so violently to the students, to have his Laptop hacked. I am sure that our students are not making insinuations to and there is no criminal activity is present. That would be technically impossible. I don’t think you could hack such a Fuses or would.

How do you assess the technical Situation?

Oberholzner: I’ve spoken with my colleagues who have more idea of the matter, and said that it was probably a technical Problem with the present. Also, you have never seen, that the Charts were just so funny.

Well, it was before the difficulties.

Oberholzner: Which were due to compatibility issues with the Headset. Mr. Lesch is not a hand-held microphone, that is part of our standard equipment, but the stock for his talk on a Headset wanted. We had to borrow us, and then didn’t fit. There’s quite a lot came together.

Are you still satisfied with the visit of Mr. Lesch?

Oberholzner: We were really glad that he has made, in spite of the misunderstanding, and that ultimately everything is good and informative expired. I could imagine that it is him, who is a member of the security conference, maybe it happens elsewhere, that someone has tried to hack his Laptop. Just imagine, what is because everything on it! But basically, the presentation was top. And the students were very fascinated.


read on Merkur.de*: Lesch hate mail gets to AfD Video and amazing proposal. Furthermore, scientist and TV presenter Harald Lesch for the ZDF have turned-docu-series “Terra X” on the Domberg in Freising. The episodes will probably be aired in the autumn. Harald Lesch also has fascinating answers to the question: Is active in our society there will always be violence?

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network