What originally began as a homework assignment for Chinese primary school students, is now around the world. You have come to the correct solution of the puzzle?

This puzzle is bound to bring some office stallion into a sweat. It was originally intended as a homework assignment for Chinese primary school students. This math create to solve a task?

text task for Chinese school children for children and headache in adults

Two cats and a table – that is all what you need to keep for today’s puzzle in the eye. According to the Twitter-channel “China Focus” should solve Chinese school children the puzzles as homework. Pretty tough for primary school-age children. Or, you create, for example, to solve the puzzle right off the bat? the the height of the table – and this solely by using the height difference of the two cats is looking for.

The Users on Twitter have a problem with that. But you can try your luck:


you Could crack the homework? the The right solution we will tell you here.

by the Way, many of the more challenging brain teasers you will find here on our puzzles page.

More puzzles in our series:

lighthouse puzzles for elementary school students – adults, despair. This Pay-riddle, who thinks like a genius.
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