“Maischberger” ARD: It went back to have a look at the year. No matter whether AKK, Brexit or Özil, the recovered some dynamite.

Berlin – TV-the-year recaps are one thing. Because mostly of the lack of time to handle a broadcast of the events of the years enough, the lawn, the participants of point-to-point, without touching more than the surface. Instead of analysis of the experiment, the mark-IEST spell to install. The Helmut mark word (FDP) demonstrated on Wednesday in the case of Sandra Maischberger. The former Focus editor, and current President of the Bavarian Landtag from informed properly.

the year in review with Sandra Maischberger: and The were the guests

the guests at Maischberger-the year in review:

Johannes B. Kerner (TV host) Tina Hassel (head of the ARD capital Studio)
Katrin Göring-Eckardt, B’90/Green (group Chairman)
Helmut mark word, FDP (ehem. “Focus”editor)
Philip Amthor, CDU (member of the German Bundestag)

Sandra Maischberger: 2018 – altitude flights, crashes, broken dreams

Sandra maisch Bergers the year in review was held under the Motto “high-altitude flights, crashes, broken dreams”. One of the Highflyers had invited maischberger in the Studio: Philip Amthor, who is just 26 years old and already a member of the German Bundestag for the CDU. In a much celebrated speech against the AfD in February Amthor is considered to be Sultanbet “conservative hope of the CDU” (mirror). The son of a single mother from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern was against the introduction of same-sex marriage.

a Lot of potential for a substantive discussion. Mark the word would have seen Amthor as Secretary-General of the CDU, announced that the 82-Year-old. A lot more in the memory of another comment, however, remained: Amthor, who is the Harry Potter of the CDU was”,” said mark word. What he wanted to say, exactly, remains his secret. This was not so good. Although Amthor, like Harry Potter glasses. Thus, the Similarities of the exhaust. The commentators on the Internet with translate Markworts Statement: “you young people all look the same to me.” This was “patronizing”, they said.

Amthor, everything was cold. “My mother is of course totally proud of.” he announced. However, his early entry into politics was not always easy: “If you start with 15 or 16, in the CDU to contribute, is not the only time the coolest thing.”

Sandra Maischberger: mark-word outburst on the subject of the CDU-power struggle

mark word remained his critical rate is also another major theme for the year 2018 to be faithful to The three-way battle for the successor to Angela Merkel as CDU party Chairman between Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, Friedrich Merz and Jens Spahn. AKK, I have never worked in a company and, therefore, no economic experience, said mark word.

just wanted to let Katrin Göring-Eckardt. The group Chairman of the Greens jumped to the new CDU party Chairman: “this is the Only Minister? Only the Saarland? Only three children?“, before she threw mark word. “This is a debate that really bothers me.” Just because Friedrich Merz’ve been sitting in some boards, it is necessary to Kramp cart Builder, not small talk.

Amthor granted an insight into his choice behavior at the CDU party Congress. He was first elected Jens Spahn, in the second ballot, then Kramp-Karrenbauer, Annegret said the 26-Year-old. “She has achieved at many Points in the party a whole lot more than Friedrich Merz. In addition, he has held a significantly poorer speech.”

Göring-Eckardt used the item for an attack against Markus Söder, the CSU: “Söder has managed, astonishingly, to be with such a wide-legged policy. In Bavaria it might work.“ Johannes B. Kerner said: “I believe that this life of feeling ‘Green’ is a feeling from the middle of society.”

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, and Martin Schulz were almost at the same time as Maischberger broadcast at Anne Wants to be a guest.

the year in review in Maischberger: populism, Brexit and AfD

another topic at Maischberger: The rise of populism. Göring-Eckard was also Positive: “It is also a great experience, we currently have to do in Parliament. Because there is now more likely that all Democrats stand together.“

mark word believed, at least, to have the perpetrators of the Brexit identified: “I think that (Martin) Schulz’ snooty kind of scared as President of Parliament in Brussels, a number of Englishmen,” said the FDP-man of the former President of the European Parliament and SPD candidate for Chancellor.

Tina Hassel saw in the failed no-confidence vote against the Prime Minister, Theresa May trust a “residual sanity in this Brexit-Irrsin”. The head of the ARD capital Studio, said: “The rebels, who are competing against you who had no Plan, no real candidates. They had above all one thing: A big Ego.“ Of responsibility for your country, it have been lacking.

Green-group Chairman, Göring-Eckhardt agreed “The Brexit is a betrayal of the European idea. Nationalism is always a mess. Since then, has become much worse.

All News about Brexit, you will also find in our Brexit-Ticker.

the year in review in Maischberger: Mesut Özil and Jogi Löw

A not allowed in the year in review with Sandra Maischberger missing: The desperate year of the German national football team and the dispute about Mesut Özil. That Jogi Löw his Job after the preliminary rounds at the world Cup in Russia is not a hinsch miss, surprised, Johannes B. Kerner: “This is one of the most beautiful part-time jobs that you can have in Germany. The would handle if he would train with 62 years of a club.“

Anders, it had been the subject of Mesut Özil. “It really surprised me, that to have acted in this matter, all of the Participants at any time is wrong,” said Kerner. The professional football player and former national player was open to the public straight in the criticism, because he was posing with his former national team-mate Ilkay Gündo?an for a photo with Turkish President Recep Erdo?an and in the summer from the national team resigned. “In Özil is the Problem that he has on the field more than on the political map. In this respect, he is also a tragic figure,“ said Amthor.

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