A training in this supermarket is a second Chance. The training supermarket Alma gives young people from difficult backgrounds the opportunity, however, in start your career. Yesterday, the second Munich store in the Ingolstädter Straße 107 has opened the Hard.

The fruit is carefully sorted, the food is cleared in the shelves. At first glance, nothing suggests that it is the new Alma supermarket to the Ingolstädter Straße 107 to an ordinary supermarket. But Alma is training the food-market.

It is a unique project, the young adults from difficult social backgrounds provides the opportunity, training to be a seller or warehouse. This is managed can depend on the young people still be a year off, as a merchant in the retail trade start.

A Chance for young people with a lack of scruples CV

carrier of the project, the Euro-Trainings-Centre (ETC). The Association supports since 2006, young people that have no straight-line resume. He gives you the opportunity to take your career. Last year, the first branch of the Landsberger Straße in the West of Munich was opened, and the second one yesterday on Hard.

Basically, the training as is the case with other supermarkets is only that the supervision of young people is much more intense. Of your trainers, the young people receive regular feedback, in addition, they also give you assistance with issues outside of the actual work. The aim is that the trainees, the teaching years and to improve steadily.

ALMA is a pedagogically-driven retail business model

The 18-year-old Laura Scheuer is in the second year of training. “Here the training is very personal, each Individual will be looked after very intense,” she says. Also Kilian, Fabian (20) feels at the educational supermarket. “I was immediately well received. Here I have a lot of opportunities to learn something about working in the food industry.“

a Total of nine trainees are working in the new branch, which was founded in close cooperation with Rewe. ETC-managing Director Sabine Loibl Gänsbacher is responsible for the project. She is convinced that this offer is a real winner. The supermarket supplied the residents with food and educates professionals for the labour market.

Not only the city of Munich has supported the project, but also numerous other sponsors involved, among other things, the Munich airport. He donated 60 000 Euro. “Maybe the one or the other depending on the training the way to us,” hopes the head of social Affairs, Thomas Bihler, at the opening.

German oak-Hotelier Dietmar Holzapfel recalled at the opening to his study time – at the time, he had worked in a supermarket. Therefore, he knows how to appreciate the work of the apprentices. The third mayor Christine Strobl (SPD) was already at the opening of the first “Alma”-super market – and is convinced that the funds of the city are well laid out.

Eser Aktay

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