“Try All of those today or in the past, your successor will want to determine are always gone totally wrong. And that’s the way it should be.”

This somewhat awkward set of German Chancellor Angela Merkel raises currently the question mark. He fell in an Interview with Hessischer Rundfunk, shortly before the Federal government politically charged state election in Hesse on Sunday. In a time in which your government – the Grand coalition – is losing in the polls to consent. And already a murmur, over time, according to Merkel.

when is the right time to stop? This is the question the Chancellor has answered, now nearly 13 years in office, with that sentence. “Merkel free race for succession,” calls the “image”-newspaper. The “daily mirror” writes: “Merkel does not want to govern their succession.”

In fact, The normally taciturn Chancellor in these politically sensitive days, at least, a glimpse into their thoughts – and, perhaps, in a future without you at the top.

Angela Merkel has once taken the future of the CDU in the Hand, and Kohl’s resignation demanded

“it was Important to me ( … ) that those who achieve something Outstanding (…), the possibilities have to show what you’re made of,” says the CDU party boss in the Interview. You have in the CDU-squad “a great deal” and don’t be afraid with a view to the future, “not at all”. Before you count, among other things, the NRW Minister Armin Laschet and the CDU Secretary-General on Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, both Familiar to the Chancellor. Two is said, they could eventually impact on Merkel. In addition, Merkel is responsible, is the Conviction that “parties must take Privebet their destiny in Hand”.

to start A call, the election campaign to their Posts?

state elections in Hesse Hesse’s Green are carried by two shafts – one of which Berlin could be under water DPA

Maybe. Because, also out of the question point to the plate of the Hessischer Rundfunk, Merkel has once taken to himself the fate of the CDU in the Hand. It was at that time, CDU General Secretary, party leader and (former)Chancellor Helmut Kohl. And demanded his resignation. “That was a very different Situation that we had at the time,” says Merkel in the conversation. The CDU was in the Opposition, cabbage “of the population as a Chancellor has been voted out”, there were the donations affair and the “credibility of the (…) of a whole party on the game”. They had “done something, what appeared to me to be important for the future of the CDU”. That was correct, pointing, among other things, the long government, with the participation of the CDU since the replacement of Gerhard Schröder (SPD) – Merkel’s chancellorship.

is Why the Hesse-choice Federal politically charged

On the next Sunday of Hesse will elect a new Parliament. A choice is expected after the bitter electoral defeat in Bavaria with voltage. The CDU and the SPD’s bitter losses, perhaps the black could be deselected-green government under CDU Minister-President Volker Bouffier and a red-green-red soft. Merkel and Bouffier warn before “left-hand experiments” in a possible state government consisting of the SPD, Left and Greens. SPD-Boss Nahles dismissed this as a “targeted attempt at a fear campaign”.

nevertheless, Should experience the CDU is once again an electoral defeat, it could be for their party leader Angela Merkel closely. In early December, the party chooses its(n) new(n) Chairman(n). A defeat for Merkel would not exclude – and the end of her chancellorship would suddenly be a realistic scenario: Merkel takes the view that party the presidency and the Chancellery.
