In total, five suspects, including three soldiers attached to the service of espionage, the French, are now prosecuted in this investigation.

The case is making a lot of noise in the information French. Two men, including a member attached to the Directorate-general for external security (DGSE), have been indicted in the investigation into an attempted murder for which two other suspects linked to the DGSE were already arrested, announced Wednesday the public prosecutor of Paris.

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In total, five suspects, including three soldiers attached to the service of espionage, the French, are now prosecuted in this investigation and four of them are placed in detention. According to a source close to the dossier, the third military order was placed under judicial control.

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A woman referred

The case began on 24 July with the arrest in Créteil (Val-de-Marne) two men, aged 28 and 25 years old, assigned to the centre parachute training specializing in Saran (Loiret), which depends on the CCD. Reported by a local resident, then they were on board a stolen vehicle and in possession of several weapons, including a revolver and several knives of staffing of the army.

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“They seemed to be prepared to execute a criminal plan, to the prejudice of a woman aged 54 years,” said the prosecutor in a press release. A third suspect, working in the field of private security, was arrested two days later and then in turn arrested.

Up to 10 years of imprisonment

last week, two other men, including one military also attached to the centre of Saran, in turn, have been arrested and then indicted on Monday for “complicity in attempted homicide voluntary organised” and “participation in a criminal association for the commission of these crimes and offences to be punished 10 years imprisonment”.

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one of them was also to “shelter in organised theft” and the other for “transport, acquisition, possession of firearms of category B in a meeting”. The centre to which the three members of the military attached to it is one of three in France of the service action of the DGSE, in charge of clandestine operations made famous by the hit series “The Office of the legends”. The other centres are based in Quelerm, near Brest, and the Esplira-of-the Agly (Pyrenees-Orientales).