
Janinas mother (Hildegard Schmahl, r.) finally,) the punishment for the killer of their daughter

©NDR/Christine Schroeder

In the “Polizeiruf 110: For Janina” (11.11. the mother of a killed girl wants justice. A Clause that specifies that you can only be accused in the same case, is in the way. But why there is this paragraph at all? And what other Highlights will send the First in the framework of the ARD theme week “justice”? The answers can be found here.

Why is it the supposedly unfair clause?

The paragraph Section 362 code of criminal procedure regulates the conditions under which a once-Convicted in the same case charged again. Why is this important? “This Paragraph was included after the experience made with the national socialist dictatorship, to the basic law”, explains Dr. Wolfram Schädler, a lawyer and Federal Prosecutor, a. D., The legislator wanted to prevent any judgment that does not fit the state, will simply conceded, as it had been in the Nazi dictatorship.

Other Highlights of the theme week

Betnano The ARD theme week from 11 am. to 17. November. The theme of “justice” will be lit in many different areas: basic law, basic income, welfare state, intergenerational equity, and fee transparency act, tax equity, average income, Poverty, etc., in addition to documentaries, Talk shows, and co., a documentary and a TV movie see.

“super women – the feminine side of German cinema”, documentary (11.11., At 23:35, the First)

This documentation shows a critical inventory of the feminine side of German cinema. To get word of Germany’s most successful Film-women, including actress Iris Berben, producer Regina Ziegler (“Weissensee”) and the Director Margarethe von Trotta (“Hannah Arendt”), Caroline Link (“Nowhere in Africa”), Doris Dorrie (“men”) and Anika Decker (“dream girls”), as well as the Makers behind the international success of the strip “Toni Erdmann” (2016).

“No one pushes us away” by Wolfgang Murnberger, TV-film (14.11., At 20:15, the First)

Gelsenkirchen, Germany, in 1979. Three employees of a photographic laboratory to learn by chance that you will be paid for their work much less than their male colleagues. Lilli (Alwara Höfels), Rosi (Katharina Marie Schubert), and Gerda (Imogen Kogge) want to fight back and sue your employer, because according to the basic law men and women are entitled to long. The three have enough problems already. Lila struggles with her family, unpaid bills and a broken car. Rosi works secretly and against the will of her husband, to heal picture of the family happiness to maintain. And Gerda lives after the death of her husband, a fairly lonely existence in your garden gazebo.
