How do you pin to the Kidneys? You don’t know? I didn’t know until I Anthony Bourdain las, a writing chef, adventurer, and later Television entertainer. As he took in the summer on the edge of a production in the Alsace region, the life, made the cooks-world is affected. He can’t leave the nagging galley bench of the kitchen? Was he jetting around the world? He had the most interesting people to guest? Even Barack Obama? As a chef, Bourdain was a little innovative, but he could write, with a flair for the Grotesque, which combines the Funny with the grey seeds.

With him, so I read the pin from the Kidneys, a cut, the it is estimated in France and Onglet is called in the English Hanger Steak. With us, he comes in the sausage. My butcher was suspicious when I asked him to get me renal cones of several cattle. In the pan of my mother, I had to swear to him that every bark has a muscle of this Name. By nature! Just as sure as a cock. Skeptical, the man went to the slaughterhouse, and came back loaded with success.

get to know your butcher, Three-ingredients-recipe for The perfect tomato sauce: it tastes like your favorite Italian

So, you follow me, and me for a memorial Nieranzapfen want to roast or grill – à la Bourdain – may arise in the procurement of the goods really is a problem. You order the meat, and you get to know your butcher. He is clueless with regard to the cut? He is helpful, he will support you on your way to learn something New? Or he sees problems? You educate your butcher. The Kidney fat is a coarse-fibered, along a Central structured muscle tendon parallel. Between the kidneys, it has its headquarters, what is communicated, but in terms of taste. He belongs to the short fried Breakfast and is a wonderful grilling outside in the summer on the grill, in the Winter, in the grill pan.

Lifestyle-butcher Jürgen David: “I was one of the first butcher who sells Dry Aged Beef” By Denise Snieguole Wachter

I was recently invited to the home of very friendly people for a barbecue. They had bought good meat, it can be pure, as it came from the butcher on the Grill and seasoned it on the plate. You can do so. You do not need to. I recommend the meat, especially if it is only short is grilled, and marinating beforehand a little, or to spice up. Not much effort makes, rewarded Nerobet but by a more complex, the nature of the flesh be lifted, taste.

The ingredients for four people

For our court, we need 2 cones of the Kidneys, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 finger long piece of ginger, soy sauce, mustard (grainy), good Baguette bread, Arugula (or better still watercress, as available), sun-dried tomatoes, salt, Oil, Butter, pepper and lemon (or balsamic vinegar).

The Kidney fat from the butcher clean parry, so of all the Fat and all the connective tissue clean. The Kidney fat is a leaner cut.

The muscle contains centrally unmistakably a tendon. The meat is cut, so that in the result of two solid coarse fibrous meat strands in front – for two of the renal cones so that makes four strands.

To the side the meat is thin and fray something – doesn’t matter. From the thin side to thick the meat is deep, but not cut through (with a sharp knife; see box). It still needs to hang together! Successfully cut, we fold it like a book and give the meat one with the fist. Voilà, we now have four dark-red, coarse-grained flat’s lean muscle meat.

we want to aromatize next a little. Pressed cloves of garlic and mix with grated fresh ginger (about equal Parts) with about 2 TBSP soy sauce and 1 tablespoon of mustard, the meat completely, cover with cling film and a few hours to marinate – preferably overnight.

4 Baguette-cut in half bread and the crumb herauspulen large part. The halves of the Bun toasting. The Arugula (or watercress) washed, and picked. The sun-dried tomatoes, in Oil, drain and place on kitchen roll to degrease (actually sun-dried tomatoes, on the contrary, with a little wine brush and moisten).

obituary-Food-Blogger to the death of Anthony Bourdain Stevan Paul: “There is a very Large”

goes to The oven at 60-80 degrees to preheat. The meat from the Marinade and the adhering Marinade with the back of a knife halfway Stripping the meat with salt and not more than two Flat not all at once, so that the heat drops to very – in a very hot oiled iron grill pan from each side for 2-3 minutes roast it in the oven to keep warm; with the other Steaks, as had a procedure.

Baguette-rolls a second Time, churning toasting, thin and with a mustard streak, tomato insert, then the Rocket or Watercress one layer, place meat on it, season with pepper and a little lemon or balsamic drizzle, the second buttered bun half on, pressing the Sandwich with a sharp knife on a chopping Board and serve. This powerful red wine.

A little literary tip, Tim Mälzer reveals’s How do you recognize a really good meat? By Denise Snieguole Wachter

Not quite as entertaining as Anthony Bourdain, but from a deep Knowledge of Karl Ludwig schweisfurth, 88, of Paul, converts, Ex-mass butcher and founder of the sausage company Herta. In more Mature years he founded workshops the herrmannsdorfer Country, and in 1998, initially in self-publishing, “The book of good meat”. It contains exact descriptions of all the cuts, the German butcher is not familiar with often. It this book today, Zabert Sandmann. It is a good one.