This device will allow “a follow-up much more individual than it is today to accompany them in the challenges of personal or individual”.

Gérald Darmanin had announced a week ago, the green number at the destination of the police officers assaulted was officially launched on Monday. This system of support and guidance in the form of a platform to listen, address to police officers and gendarmes, “the victims of attack.”

“one of the reasons why the police and the gendarmes can put an end to their days, it is the injuries, the assaults, the attacks, whether they are physical or verbal or mental, was considered Gérald Darmanin in the national Assembly.

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“They must speak and they must speak with their superiors and with the ministry of the Interior. A device that has been developed by my predecessor for the cops, the victims (…) will at any time in a tele-statement or over the phone can when one is police officer a victim to join immediately someone from the ministry of the Interior”, he announced.

A space cover 7 days on 7

This device will allow “a follow-up much more individual than it is today to accompany them in the challenges of personal or individual”, said Gérald Darmanin. The service works 7 days out of 7, weekends and holidays included 5 hours to 23 hours. Police officers will be at the other end of the wire. An email address is also available so that persons concerned can write.

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This is a “space of active listening and support 7 days/7 with a dedicated phone line (toll free number) and trade possible by specific e-mail box (functional)”, said the entourage of the minister.

supported real-time

These exchanges will offer active listening and follow-up with support of the reported situation in real time. This situation may be reported directly by the police officer victim, or indirectly, by a trade union, for example. “This will also be a watch system dynamics to identify agents that could be subject to this guidance and come into contact with them”, was added from same source.

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In September 2019, a toll-free number has been put in place to combat suicide in the ranks of the police. This number allows officials of the national police to have access to anonymous, confidential and free of charge, 24H/24 and 7/7 to the psychologists of the platform. Since the beginning of the year, twenty police officers have committed suicide. By 2019, 59 were given the death.