While speculation of a resignation of Angela Merkel are also louder than the Chancellor always, may you grow in the current ARD“Germany trend“ in popularity.

Berlin – The Union parties are waning in the current ARD”Germany trend” easily. The CDU/CSU reached in the on Thursday evening published survey by the Institute Infratest dimap, only 28 per cent, one percentage point less than previously. On the second place, the Greens remain unchanged at 20 percent.

The SPD was able to improve by one point to 18 percent. The AfD unchanged at twelve percent, the left party, with nine percent (plus one) and the FDP, with eight per cent (minus one).

ARD”Germany trend”: the values for Chancellor Merkel to rise

With the work of the Federal government, 62 percent expressed less or not at all satisfied. This is, however, an improvement in the Approval rates by four percentage points compared to April. 38 per cent (plus five) were satisfied or very satisfied.

Better values for German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). She comes to 55 percent approval (plus two) in front of foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD), with 47 percent (plus one) and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), with 41 per cent (minus one). Recently there was some speculation that the Chancellor could announce after the European elections in your resignation.

For the Sunday question, on behalf of the ARD”issues of the day” respondents Infratest dimap from Monday to Tuesday of this week in 1505 entitled to vote, for the rest of the questions 1005 entitled to vote. The error rate was specified, with up to 3.1 percentage points.


In the SPD, and Kevin Kühnert provides eddy

FDP-Chef Lindner currently has no run – after “Anne Will” ernete a Shitstorm